“Broadside; the text in five columns: small cuts I-X on the left and right, each with an eight-line verse below it; cuts XI and XII above and below the three centre columns. Cut I. The Queen’s arrival in England, and Marriage. The Prince leads her ashore from a small boat. Cut II. Taking farewell of Charlotte [1814]. Mother and daughter weep, turning from each other; the Princess approaches a ship’s boat, Cut III. Her Return–Landing at Dover [June 1820]. She is rowed to shore by two sailors. Cut IV. Her Trial in the House of Lords. A simplified but recognizable view. Cut V. Her Acquittal. She drives in an open carriage past Carlton House. Cut VI. Procession to St. Paul’s. A similar carriage scene with St. Paul’s in the background. Cut VII. The Highlanders’ Address. Highlanders in a carriage with banners (cf. British Museum Satires No. 13934). Cut VIII. Refused Admittance into the Abbey. She gestures at the partly closed door between a sentry and the rejecting doorkeeper. Cut IX. Death-Bed of the Queen. The bed surrounded by weeping mourners. Cut X. Embarkation of Her Body at Harwich. The coffin is swung by tackle into a ship’s boat. Cut XI. The Queen’s Funeral Procession at Brunswick. The coffin, with crown and royal arms, is borne towards a church door (right) where girls scatter flowers. Cut XII. Queen Caroline’s Tomb. Britannia weeps, and her Lion registers anger, beside the tomb of Caroline The Injured Queen of England, topped by a large urn on which is her bust portrait. The text includes the funeral prayer, ‘A Dirge’ and ‘An Elegy . . .’ (28 11.): 11. 7-10: ‘A seperation hardly to be borne, Her only Daughter from her arms was torn! And next discarded–driven from her home, An unprotected Wanderer to roam!’ The verses below Cut XII end: ‘For the King shall be Judg’d with the poor of the earth, And, perhaps the poor man will be greater than he. Until that great day we leave Caroline’s wrongs, Meantime, may, “Repentance” her foes o’ertake; O grant it kind POWER, to whom alone it belongs’ AMEN. Here an end of this Hist’ry we make.”–British Museum online catalogue.
- Title: An attempt to exhibit the leading events of the Queen’s life in cuts and verse.
- Edition: Twelfth edition.
- Publication: [London] : Printed and sold wholesale and retail by J. Catnatch, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, [December 1821]
Catalog Record
File 53 C292 821A++
Acquired November 2021