The trials of Charles Shaw, aged 16

printed text

  • Author: ShawCharles, -1834.
  • Title: The trials of Charles Shaw, aged 16, for murdering John Oldcroft, aged 9. Richard Tomlinson for murdering Mary Evans, his sweetheart. Mary Smith, for drowning her infant child. Who all three received sentence of death, at the late Staffordshire assizes, execution last Wednesday, March 19, 1834.
  • Publication: [London] : G. Smeeton, Printer, 74, Tooley Street., [1834]

Catalog Record

File 523 Sh534 834+

Acquired February 2022

An authentick account of the life of Mr. Charles Drew

title page

  • Title: An authentick account of the life of Mr. Charles Drew, late of Long-Melford in the county of Suffolk : who was tried and convicted at Bury Assizes, for the murder of his father, Mr. Charles John Drew … To which is added, a faithful account of the trial of the said Charles Drew …
  • Publication: London : Printed by J. Applebee, and sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1740.

Catalog Record

523 D776 740

Acquired September 2020

The life, history and tryal of Harry Smythee, Esq.

title page

  • Author: Clark, Jeremiah, active 1741.
  • Title: The life, history and tryal of Harry Smythee, Esq. : who was try’d at the Lent Assizes held for the county of Dorset, 1741; and convicted for the murder of his sweet-heart Jane Mew, that was with child by him; whom he had deluded under the pretences of courtship, and promises of marriage. Containing, I. How he was entertain’d at her father’s house … VII. His tryal … IX. His last dying speech … XII. With the reverend Mr. Clark’s remarks on the whole. … This book is recommended by the Rev. Jeremiah Clark, D.D. to the perusal of young people, and more particularly the fair sex …
  • Publication: London: : Printed by H. Goreham in Fleet-Street; and sold by T. Cooper in Paternoster-Row, [1741?]

Catalog Record

523 Sm64 741

Acquired December 2019


Letter : Wadham College [Oxford], to his sister Molly

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Summary:A descriptive first-hand account of the famed murder trial of Mary Blandy, who in 1752 stood accused of poisoning her invalid father with white arsenic in his food, on the instructions of her aspiring lover, William Henry Cranstoun, who was, unbeknownst to her, already in possession of a wife, but was hungry for the £10,000 Miss Blandy was due to inherit. The trial, conducted in Oxford, continued for some eleven and a half hours without respite, and saw Mary condemned to death. The ‘fair parricide’, as she was known, was hanged on 6 April 1752, her last words being ‘Gentlemen, don’t hang me high for the sake of decency’. Stillingfleet watched the whole trial, remarking ‘I feel the effects of being at it yet for I was almost squeez’d to death in the crowd’. While admiring Blandy’s speech as ‘very fine & very artfully drawn up’, his own verdict on the case is unambiguous: ‘I never heard of a more premeditated piece of cruelty’.

  • AuthorStillingfleet, Edward, -1795.
  • TitleLetter : Wadham College [Oxford], to his sister Molly, 1752 March 5.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss File 136

Acquired August 2016

Circumstances of the death of Mr. Scawen

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Account of the trial of Miss Jane Butterfield, on an indictment for murder, at the late assizes for the county of Surry, held at Croydon

  • TitleCircumstances of the death of Mr. Scawen, with genuine particulars relative to Miss Jenny Butterfield, now under confinement, and charged with the murder of that gentleman : including a relation of the origin of her family, the particulars of her seduction and onnections, and the manner in which Mr. Scawen was really poisoned; with anecdotes of Mr. M-, the brewer, and Captain —-.
  • PublishedLondon : Printed for J. Whitaker, Mitre Court, Fleet Street ; and sold at all the pamphlet shops at the Royal Exchange, MDCCLXXV [1775]

Catalog Record

File 523 B988 775

Acquired July 2015

The power of conscience exemplified in the genuine and extraordinary confession of Thomas Bedworth

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  • Author: Bedworth, Thomas, 1764-1815.
  • Title: The power of conscience exemplified in the genuine and extraordinary confession of Thomas Bedworth : delivered to one of the principal officers of Newgate the night before his execution on September 18, 1815, for the murder of Elizabeth Beesmore in Drury lane : relating his horrible sufferings until compelled to surrender to public justice by the constant supernatural visitations of the murdered woman, and the frequent appearance of her apparition : from the original paper now in the possession of the publisher : including interesting particulars of Bedworth’s former life, his behaviour before execution, and an original and full report of the common serjeant’s address on passing sentence.
  • Published: London : W. Hone, 1815.

Catalog Record

523 B413 815

Acquired April 2013

Remarkable criminals 1713-1767 (spine title)

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

Bound with 27 other titles. To view other titles, search Orbis by call number: 521 6. (Local call number)

Spine title: Remarkable criminals 1713-1767. A collection of pamphlets, prints (many from The Tyburn chronicles and The malefactors register), newspapers and newspaper clippings, chapters from books, and other publications, all related to famous crimes.

Bound with: London morning penny post | Genuine history of the inhuman and unparalell’d murders committed on the bodies of Mr. William Galley, a custom-house officer in the port of Southampton, and Mr. Daniel Chater | Eliz. Jeffryes & Jno. Swan condemn’d at Chelmsfod-Assizes for the murder of Mr. Josh Jeffryes | Funeral procession of the celebrated Mr. Jonathan Wild thief-taker General of Great Britain & Ireland | True and genuine account of the life and actions of the late Jonathan Wild |  Several degrees taken by Jonathan Wild | Genuine memoirs of the life of Sir John Dinely Goodere, Bart. who was murder’d by the contrivance of his own brother | True effigies of Captn. Goodere, Matthew Mahony, & Charles White drawn from [the] life by order of the Captn. during their confinement in Newgate at Bristol |Matchless villany, or, A full and authentic narrative of the robbery and murder of John Penny, Esq | Genuine tryal at large of Mary Blandy, spinster, for poisoning her late father Francis Blandy |Miss Blandy now confin’d in Oxford Goal on suspicion of poisoning her father | Miss Molly Blandy who with her own & her sweetheart’s contrivance, is charged wth. barbarously & inhumanly poisoning her own father for his estate | Capt. William Henry Cranstoun with his pompous funeral procession in Flanders | Authentick memoirs of the wicked life and transactions of Elizabeth Jeffryes, spinster : who was executed on Saturday, March 28, 1752 | True effigies of James Hall | Life of Theodore Gardelle, limner and enameller : with a particular description of the murder of Anne King; and the inhumane means taken to conceal the same | Mrs. Elizabeth Brownrigg | Elizabeth Brownrigg, executed Septr 14th, 1761 for [the] murder of Mary Clifford | Genuine and authentic account of the life, tryal and execution, of Elizabeth Brownrigg : who was executed on Monday the 14th of September, 1767, for the barbarous murder of Mary Clifford, her apprentice girl | Richd. Noble stabbing John Sayer, Esqr. in the Mint, Southwark | Tapner & Cobby &c. the smugglers going to hang Chater the Custom House officer in the well | Mills and Rowland, smugglers, whipping Richard Hawkins to death at the Dog on Slendon Common | Inhuman manner in which the smugglers treated Chater the Custom-house officer, in Old Mill’s turf-house | Smugglers breaking open the Kings Custom House at Poole Octr. 7, 1747 | Miss Blandy at the place of execution near Oxford, attended by the Revd. Mr. Swinton | Surgeon Forbes visiting Mr. Jeffries at Walthamstow, who has just before been shot by Jno. Swan | Theodore Gardelle having murder’d Mrs. King, burns some of her body & hides the rest

  • Title: A full account of the case of John Sayer, Esq. :  from the time of his unhappy marriage with his wife, to his death. Including the whole intrigue between Mrs. Sayer and Mr. Noble and the prosecution at large against Noble, as appear’d at the Coroner’s inquest and at Kingston-Assizes.
  • Edition: The second edition, with additions.
  • Published: London : Printed, and sold by A. Baldwin at the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1713.

Catalog record

Quarto 521 6

Acquired October 2012