A mushroom for the Royal Society!

description below

“A giant mushroom reaches the upper margin of the design; in its summit a cask is embedded. The butler stands on a ladder (left) holding out the spigot, and saying to Banks who stands below (right): “here’s a pretty “Tale of a tub, all the Wine’s gone!!” Sir Joseph stands in back view, capering delightedly; he holds up both arms, a stick in the left hand, and says with head thrown back: “It is a most Glorious discovery cut it down & send it to the Museum had the Wine been Bottled, it wod not have been half so Interesting.” Against the wall of the cellar are wine-bins, stacked with bottles, four inscribed respectively ‘Curious Tinta’; ‘Cypress’; ‘Very Curious’; ‘Wine drank by the Grt Mogul’. Flasks on the top of the bins are ‘Nile Water’ and ‘Water from Tombuctoo’. On the ground (left) is a two-handled covered vase: ‘A small portion of the Sabine left by Horace at his death contained in this Vase preserved for dinners of the R S.’.”–British Museum online catalogue.
“Below the title: ‘–Dedicated to the worthy President–Sir Joseph Banks having a Cask of Wine rather too sweet for use, he directed that it shod be placed in a Cellar that the Saccharine matter it contain’d might be more perfectly decomposed by age–At the end of three years he directed his Butler to ascertain the state of the Wine, when on attempting to open the Cellar door he was prevented by some powerful obstacle–the Door was therefore cut down & the Cellar was found to be completely fill’d with a firm fungus vegetable production–the Cask was Empty & carried up to the deling where it was supported by the surface of the Fungus.–(vide Monthly Magazine).'”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Title: A mushroom for the Royal Society!, or, A view of a fungus lately grown on their own banks [graphic].
  • Publication: [London] : Pub. by J. Sidebotham, 287 Strand & sold also at No. 20 Princes St., March 1819.

Catalog Record


Acquired May 2024

“Returning Justice lifts aloft her scale.”

description below

“An emblematical and composite scene, with a realistic background intended for Lake Como, with the Villa d’Este (right), decorated with dancing figures as in British Museum satires no. 14171. In the foreground the Queen, between Bergami and Wood, falls from the tilting summit of a breaking pillar, supported on insecure props. She falls to the left, with Bergami, whose arm is round her waist. Wood, who holds her left hand, falls to the right, weighed down by a block inscribed ‘Log’ chained to his ankle. A small figure of Justice holding scales descends through the air towards them. The pillar resolves itself into separate blocks on each of which is a letter: ‘M O B / I L I T Y’. A board resting on a ram’s head forms the tiny platform from which the trio are falling. The pillar rests on a slab inscribed ‘Adultery’. This is supported on the bewigged head of Brougham which is raised on three props: a massive broom, and two beams poised on a rectanglar cage in which sits a second and much smaller lawyer (Denman). The beams are respectively ‘Sham Addresses’ and ‘Hired Processions’ [see British Museum satires no. 14182]. These props are flanked by two ladders resting against the ‘Adultery’ slab, by which Bergami (see British Museum satires no. 14183) and Wood (see British Museum satires no. 13734) have reached the Queen. One (left) is inscribed ‘Brass’; from it dangle emblems of Bergami: a postilion’s boot, a whip, and a Maltese cross, see British Museum satires no. 13810. The other (right) is ‘Wood’; from it dangle a bottle, a pestle and mortar, and a porter’s knot. In the foreground (right) are thistles, emblem of ‘Thistle-Wood’, see British Museum satires no. 14146. On Lake Como sails (left) a one-masted vessel with a tent on its deck, the polacca, see British Museum satires no. 13818. Beyond its shores and on the extreme left are tiny buildings representing Jerusalem. A lake-side signpost, ‘To Jerusalem’, points in the same direction, and near it the Princess and Bergami ride side by side on asses (see British Museum satires no. 13918, &c.). On the right is a travelling-carriage, with two horses and a postilion; in it sit the same couple. On the door are the letters ‘C·B’. In the lake behind it the pair are seen bathing, two nude figures standing waist-deep, holding hands. Near them is an empty rowing-boat inscribed ‘Como’..”–British Museum online catalogue.


  • Printmaker: Lane, Theodore, 1800-1828, printmaker.
  • Title: “Returning Justice lifts aloft her scale.” Pope [graphic].
  • Publication: London : Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s St., June 1st, 1821.

Catalog Record


Acquired March 2020