Recent Papers



  • Natarajan, Priyamvada et al., 2024, Strong Lensing By Galaxy Clusters, Space Science Reviews, 220, 19, arXiv2403.06245
  • Tokayer, Yarone; Dutra, Isaque; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Mahler, Guillaume; Jauzac, Mathilde; Meneghetti, Massimo, 2024, The Galaxy-Galaxy Strong Lensing cross section and the internal distribution of matter in LCDM substructure, ApJ, under review.
  • Fu Shenming; et al., 2024, LoVoCCS — II. Weak Lensing Mass Distributions, Red-Sequence Galaxy Distributions, and Their Alignment with the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in 58 Nearby X-ray-Luminous Galaxy Clusters, submitted ApJ, arXiv2402.10337.
  • Burke, Colin; Liu, Yichen; Ward, Charlotte; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Greene, Jenny; 2024, Dwarf AGNs from Variability for the Origins of Seeds (DAVOS): Properties of Variability-Selected AGNs in the COSMOS Field and Expectations for Rubin Observatory, ApJ under review, arXiv240206882B.
  • Chowdhary, Rudrani Kar; Chang, Janet; Dai, Lixin & Natarajan, Priyamvada, 2024, Detecting Population III Stars through Tidal Disruption Events in the Era of JWST and Roman, submitted ApJ, arXiv240112752C.
  • Natarajan, Priyamvada; Pacucci, Fabio; Ricarte, Angelo; et al., 2024, First Detection of an Over-Massive Black Hole Galaxy: UHZ1 — Evidence for Heavy Black Hole Seeds From Direct Collapse, ApJ Letters, 960, L1.
  • Natarajan, P; et al. 2023, Introducing QUOTAS as a new research platform for the data-driven discovery of supermassive black holes, Nature Astronomy, 7, 879.
  • Cho, Hyerin; Prather, Ben; Narayan, R; Natarajan, P; et al. 2023, Bridging Scales in Black Hole Accretion and Feedback: Magnetized Bondi Accretion in 3D GRMHD, ApJ Letters, 959, 22.
  • Pirzkal, N; et al. 2023, The Next Generation Deep Extragalactic Exploratory Public Near-Infrared Slit-less Survey Epoch 1 (NGDEEP-NISS1): Extra-Galactic Star-formation and Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.5 < z < 3.6, under review, The Astrophysical Journal, arXiv:2312.09972.
  • Leung, Gene., et al. 2023, NGDEEP Epoch 1: The Faint End of the Luminosity Function at z 9-12 from Ultradeep JWST Imaging, ApJ Letters, 954, 46.
  • Bodgan, Akos; Goulding, Andy; Natarajan, Priyamvada; et al., 2024, Evidence for heavy seed origin of early supermassive black holes from a z~10 X-ray quasar, Nature Astronomy, 8, 126.
  • Bagley. Micaela., et al., 2023, The Next Generation Deep Extragalactic Exploratory Public (NGDEEP) Survey, accepted ApJ, arXiv:2302.05466.
  • Galison, Peter., et al., 2023, The Next Generation Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration: History, Philosophy, and Culture, Galaxies, 11, 32.
  • Beauchesne, Benjamin., et al. 2023, A new step forward in realistic cluster lens mass modelling: Analysis of Hubble Frontier Field Cluster Abell S1063 from joint lensing, X-ray and galaxy kinematics data, MNRAS, 527, 3246.
  • Meneghetti, Massimo et al., 2023, A persistent excess of galaxy-galaxy strong lensing observed in galaxy clusters, A&A Letters, 678, 2.
  • Allen, Bruce., et al., 2023, The International Pulsar Timing Array checklist for the detection of nanohertz gravitational waves, available at arXiv:23004.04767.
  • The International Pulsar Timing Array Collaboration+, 2023, Comparing recent PTA results on the nanohertz stochastic gravitational wave background, under review ApJ, arXiv:2309.00693.
  •  Chen, Nianyi, et al., 2023, Flyby Galaxy Encounters with Multiple Black Holes Produce Star-forming Linear Features, ApJ Letters, 954, 2.
  • Goulding, Andy., et all., 2023, UNCOVER: The growth of the first massive black holes from JWST/NIRSpec — spectroscopic redshift confirmation of an X-ray luminous AGN at z=10.1, ApJ Letters, 955, 24.
  • Tremmel, Michael; Ricarte, Angelo; Natarajan, Priyamvada., et al. 2023 , An Enhanced Massive Black Hole Occupation Fraction Predicted in Cluster Dwarf Galaxies, under review OJA, arXiv:2306.12813.
  • Agazie, Gabriella., et al., 2023, The NANOGrav 15-year data set: Search for Transverse Polarization Modes in the Gravitational-Wave Background, submitted, arXiv:2310.12138.
  • Agazie, Gabriella., et al., 2023, The NANOGrav 15-year Data Set: Bayesian Limits on Gravitational Waves from Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries, ApJ Letters, 951, 8.
  • Agazie, Gabriella., et al., 2023, The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Evidence for a Gravitational-wave Background, ApJ Letters, 951, 8.
  • Agazie, Gabriella., et al., 2023, The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Search for Signals from New Physics, ApJ Letters, 951, 11.
  • Agazie, Gabriella., et al., 2023, The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Constraints on Supermassive Black Hole Binaries from the Gravitational-wave Background, ApJ Letters, 952, 37.
  •  Sengul, Cagan; Birrer, Simon; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Dvorkin, Cora., 2023, Detecting Low-Mass Perturbers in Cluster Lenses using Curved Arc Bases, MNRAS, 526, 2525.
  • Niemiec, Anna, et al., 2023, Beyond the ultradeep frontier fields and legacy observations (BUFFALO): a high-resolution strong+weak-lensing view of Abell 370, MNRAS, 524, 2883.
  • Khusid, Nicole; Mingarelli, Chiara; Natarajan, Priyamvada, et. al., 2023, Strongly Lensed Supermassive Black Hole Binaries as Nanohertz Gravitational-wave Sources, ApJ, 955, 25.
  • Weller, Emma Jane; Pacucci, Fabio; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Di Matteo, Tiziana., 2023, Overmassive central black holes in the cosmological simulations ASTRID and Illustris TNG50, MNRAS, 522, 4963.
  • van Dokkum., et al. 2023, A Candidate Runaway Supermassive Black Hole Identified by Shocks and Star Formation in its Wake, ApJ Letters, 946, L50.
  • Ghosh, Aritra., et al. 2023, Morphological Parameters and Associated Uncertainties for 8 Million Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey, ApJ 953, 134.
  • Chadayammuri, Urmila; Bogdan, Akos; Ricarte, Angelo & Natarajan, Priyamvada. 2023, Constraints from dwarf galaxies on black hole seeding and growth models with current and future surveys, ApJ, 946, 51.
  • Rui, Zhe Lee; Pacucci, Fabio; Natarajan, Priyamvada & Loeb, Avi. 2023, The Two z ~ 13 Galaxy Candidates HD1 and HD2 Are Likely Not Lensed, MNRAS, 519, 585L.
  • Burke, C., et al. 2023, Dwarf AGNs from Variability for the Origins of Seeds (DAVOS): Intermediate-mass black hole demographics from optical synoptic surveys, MNRAS, 518, 1880.
  • Mahler, G., et al. 2023, Precision modeling of JWST’s first cluster lens SMACSJ0723.3-7327, ApJ, 945, 49.
  • Gottileb, Ore., et al. 2023, Jetted and Turbulent Stellar Deaths: New -LVK-Detectable Gravitational Wave Sources, ApJ Letters, 951, 30.
  • Cerini, Giulia; Cappelluti, Nico & Natarajan, Priyamvada. 2023, New metrics to probe the dynamical state of galaxy clusters, ApJ, 945, 152.
  • Natarajan, Priyamvada; Kwok, Sun-Tang; Khochfar, Sadegh; McGibbon, Robert; Nord, Brian; Sigurdsson, Steinn; Tricot, Joe; George, Daniel & Hidary, Jack. 2021, QUOTAS: A new research platform for the study of supermassive black hole populations, their hosts galaxies and parent dark matter halos, ApJ, 952, 146.
  • Boddy, K., et al. 2022, Snowmass2021 theory frontier white paper: Astrophysical and cosmological probes of dark matter, Journal of High Energy Astrophysics, Volume 35, p. 112-138.
  • Tonima Tasmin, Ananna., et al. 2022, Probing the Structure and Evolution of BASS Active Galactic Nuclei through Eddington Ratios, ApJ Lett., 939, L13.
  • Meneghetti, M., et al. 2022, The probability of galaxy-galaxy strong lensing events in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters, A&A, 668, 188.
  • Ragagnin, A., et al. 2022, Galaxies in the central regions of simulated galaxy clusters, A&A, 665, 16.
  •  Shenming, Fu., et al. 2022, LoVoCCS. I. Survey Introduction, Data Processing Pipeline, and Early Science Results, ApJ, 933, 84.
  • Mahler, Guillaume; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Jauzac, Mathilde & Richard, Johan. 2023, Gravitational lensing effects of supermassive black holes in cluster environments, MNRAS, 518, 54.
  • Cappelluti, Nico; Hasinger, Guenther; Natarajan, Priyamvada. 2022, Exploring the high-redshift PBH-LCDM Universe: early black hole seeding, the first stars and cosmic radiation backgrounds, ApJ, 926, 205.
  •  Agniva, Ghosh; et al. 2021, Further support for a trio of mass-to-light deviations in Abell 370: free-form Grale lens inversion using BUFFALO strong lensing data, MNRAS, 506, 6144.
  • Pesce, Dominic; et al. 2021, Towards determining the number of observable supermassive black hole shadows, ApJ, 923, 260.
  • Stopyra, Stephen; Peiris, Hiranya; Pontzen, Andrew; Jasche, Jens & Natarajan, Priyamvada. 2021, Quantifying the Rarity of the Local Super-Volume, MNRAS, 507, 542.
  • Ricarte, Angelo; Tremmel, Michael; Natarajan, Priyamvada & Quinn, Tom. 2021, Unveiling the Population of Wandering Black Holes via Electromagnetic Signatures, ApJ Lett, 916, L18.
  • Ricarte, Angelo; Tremmel, Michael; Natarajan, Priyamvada; Zimmer, Charlotte & Quinn, Tom. 2021, The Origin and Demographics of Wandering Black Holes, MNRAS, 503, 6098.
  • Natarajan, Priyamvada. 2021, A new channel to form Intermediate Mass Black Holes throughout cosmic time, MNRAS, 501, 1413.
  • Meneghetti, M; Davoli, Guido; Bergamini, Pietro; Rosati, Piero; Natarajan, Priyamvada; et al. 2020, An excess of small-scale gravitational lenses observed in galaxy clusters, Science, Vol. 369, Issue 6509, 1347-1353.
  • Tam, S-I., et al. 2020, The distribution of dark matter and gas spanning 6 Mpc around post-merger galaxy cluster MS-0451-03, MNRAS, in press.
  • Ricarte, Angelo; Tremmel, Michael; Natarajan, Priyamvada & Quinn, Thomas. 2020, A Link between Ram Pressure Stripping and Active Galactic Nuclei, ApJ, 895, L8.
  • Niemeic, Anna., et al. 2020, hybrid-LENSTOOL: a self-consistent algorithm to model galaxy clusters with strong- and weak-lensing simultaneously, MNRAS, 493, 3331.
  • Steinhardt, C., et al., 2020,  The BUFFALO HST Survey,  ApJS, 247, 64.
  • Woods, Tyrone., et. al., 2019, Titans of the early Universe: The Prato statement on the origin of the first supermassive black holes, PASA, 26, 37.
  • Ricarte, Angelo; Pacucci, Fabio; Cappelluti, Nico; & Natarajan, Priyamvada 2019, The clustering of undetected high-redshift black holes and their signatures in cosmic backgrounds, MNRAS, 489, 1006.
  • Ricarte, Angelo; Tremmel, Michael; Natarajan, Priyamvada & Quinn, Tom 2019, Tracing black hole and galaxy co-evolution in the ROMULUS simulations, MNRAS, 489, 802.
  • Tremmel, Michael et al., 2019, Introducing RomulusC: A Cosmological Simulation of a Galaxy Cluster with Unprecedented Resolution, MNRAS, 483, 3336.
  • Ricarte, Angelo & Natarajan, Priyamvada, 2018, The Observational Signatures of Supermassive Black Hole Seeds, MNRAS, 481, 3278.
  • Ricarte, Angelo & Natarajan, Priyamvada, 2018, Exploring SMBH Assembly with Semi-analytic Modelling, MNRAS, 474, 1995.
  • Cappelluti, Nico et al., 2018, Searching for the 3.5 keV Line in the Deep Fields with Chandra: The 10 Ms Observations,  ApJ, 854, 179.
  • Jauzac, Mathilde et al., 2018, Growing a Cosmic Beast: observations and simulations of MACSJ0717.5+3745, MNRAS, 481, 2901.