- Invited Colloquium at the Laboratory for Nuclear Science, M.I.T. and at the Black Hole Initiative, Harvard.
- Invited Colloquium at the Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute.
- Invited speaker at Kinsale Conference on Massive Black Holes in the First Billion Years, Ireland.
- Invited speaker at the KITP Conference on Cosmic Dawn Revealed by JWST: The Physics of the First Stars, Galaxies, and Black Holes.
- Invited talk at Higgs Center Conference ”New Directions in Theoretical Physics 4″ Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Invited to speak at Illuminating Dark Matter Workshop hosted by the Simons Foundation, Germany.
- Invited speaker at Kinsale Conference on Massive Black Holes in the First Billion Years, Ireland.
- Invited colloquium at the University of Miami, Florida.
- Conference Organizer – Yale Inference Workshop; and co-organizer Belize Conference on Intermediate Mass Black Holes.
- Invited colloquium at the University of Miami, Florida.
- Invited Colloquia at the Department of Physics, Harvard University; Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology; and the Department of Astronomy & Physics, University of Texas, Austin.
- Invited speaker at the STScI Clusters conference; the annual BHI Conference and the ngEHT Conference in Granada, Spain.
- Invited speaker and session chair at the COSPAR Meeting in Athens, Greece.
- Invited speaker in the virtual Golden Webinars in Astrophysics Series.
- Invited Plenary speaker at the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann meeting on General Relativity.
- nvited plenary talk 237th Annual American Astronomical Society meeting.
- Invited Distinguished Faculty colloquium, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Invited speaker at the MIT Unfolding Intelligence Conference.
- Invited speaker at the Aspen Winter conference Rainbow of Dark Sectors.
- Invited Panelist and Moderator at the Next-Generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) conference.
- Invited colloquia at: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton; Institute for Theory & Computation at Harvard University; and the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics at Stanford University.
- Invited topical technical seminars at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton) and at the Department of Physics & Astronomy at University of Texas at Austin.
- Invited lecture series on Dark Matter at the Yale-China Center.
- Invited Colloquium at the Ogden Center for Computational Astrophysics, University of Durham, U.K.
- Invited to give the Astrophysics colloquium at M.I.T.
- Invited Keynote talk at the USRA Landscape 2020: The Future of Space Astrophysics, Potomac, Maryland.
- The Hubble Constant Controversy: Status, Implications and Solutions, Heidelberg, Germany;
- Invited Colloquium at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver & University of Victoria, Canada.
- Invited talk at conference on Beyond Stephen Hawking’s Legacy, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Invited review talk at New Directions in Theoretical Physics 3, Edinburgh, U.K.
- Invited talk at annual Black Hole Initiative Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge
- Invited talk at 20 years of Chandra conference
- Invited talk at CoSyne: Cosmological Synergies in the Next Decade Conference, IAP, Paris, France.
- Invited to give the colloquium at DIPC, San Sebastian, Spain.
- Annual McLennan Lecture, St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada.
- Annual C.V. Vishveshwara Lecture, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, India.
- Better Tomorrow Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Annual Bartlett Lecture at the Frontiers of Science, Linda Hall Library of Science, Kansas City, Missouri.