Wang Lab welcomes Ms. Bing Yang, the third first-year graduate student to rotate in the lab this year, and another invaluable addition to the lab. During her undergraduate study, Bing majored in biotechnology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. She was also once trained at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, studying histone variants and their regulatory functions in chromatin structure, which is in turn regulating various important biological processes. Since then, she has been fascinated by epigenetic regulation. Now she is especially interested in chromatin organization dynamics and how it functions in the cell fate decision of stem cells during differentiation, aiming to dissect the relationship between nuclear structural biology and pluripotency/stemness. She is thrilled to learn and apply the advanced microscopy approaches in Wang Lab to address these biological questions. Outside of the lab, Bing is a “movie maniac”, especially for sci-fi. She is also crazy about pop music and is a big fan of Adele, an creative English singer and songwriter.