We are very delighted to have Dr. Tianqi Yang joining us from Duke for her postdoctoral study. Tianqi majored in Pharmaceutical Engineering during her undergraduate studies at Xi’an Jiaotong University in China. She then obtained her master’s degree in Biotechnology at the University of Pennsylvanian. She recently graduated from Duke university with her doctoral degree in Pharmacology. Her doctoral thesis project was focused on understanding the role of Xist long non-coding RNA during the maintenance of X chromosome inactivation in mouse hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors. Her study showed that Xist exerts gene-specific silencing during XCI maintenance and impacts lineage-specific cell differentiation and proliferation during hematopoiesis. Now as a postdoctoral researcher in Wang lab, Tianqi is interested in using imaging-based methods to study the 3D genome structure adaptations within tumor immune microenvironment. She also plans to develop novel computational tools to improve imaging data analysis. In her spare time, Tianqi enjoys music, hiking, and exploring good food. Welcome, Tianqi!