Generative AI is playing an increasing role in language education. Therefore, It was important for me to seek professional development opportunities that help improve my knowledge in this field before I can use AI effectively in my classroom. All professional development opportunities below were successfully completed in the Academic year 23-24.
1. Generative AI in Language Education: Rewards, Risks and Reboots.

2. The uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in language pedagogy and research.
With the National Heriage Language Resource Center (March 3rd, 2024).

3. AI in Language Education: Artificially Inflated or Almost Imminent
ACTFL Distance Learning Special Interest Group.

4. Using AI-based Platforms for Arabic Language Teaching and Learning
With the American Associaction of Teachers of Arabic.

5. Brownbag Series at the Yale Center for Language Study
6. Unlocking the Power of AI.
7. Spring Teaching Forum at the Yale Poorvu Center.

8- Reassessing Feedback on HL/L2 Digital Writing

9- The AI Educator’s Guide; Harnessing AI to empower every student.