Collection of views and studies after nature with other subjects


Leaf [1], title page plate; leaves [2]-[29] with plates numbered 1-36 with scenes cottages and views of rural areas; leaves [30]-[34] with plates 37-44 with images of allegorical and mythical figures; leaf [35] with plate numbered 45, a woman with a tub; leaf [36] with plates 46-47 two men in profile; leaf [37] with plate 47, a portrait of “T.K. [that is, Thomas Kirgate] Painted & etch’d by EE. Finish’d by I. Hall”; leaf [38] with plates 49-50 with classical motifs, cherubs and scrollwork; leaf [39] with plate 51, sea creatures and syrens.
Many plates signed “E.E.’ and dated 1784-1790.

  • Printmaker: Edwards, Edward, 1738-1806, printmaker.
  • Title: Collection of views and studies after nature with other subjects / designed and etched by Edward Edwards Associate and teacher of perspective in the Royal Academy, London.
  • Publication: [London] : [publisher not identified], 1790.
  • Manufacture: [1794].

Catalog Record

Quarto 75 Ed96 794

Acquired December 2023

A view of the Great Cohoes Falls, on the Mohawk River

description below

“View of a cascade, with figures on a fallen tree in the left foreground, the river beyond. 1761, probably a later re-publication.”–British Museum online catalogue.

  • Printmaker: Elliot, William, 1727-1766, printmaker.
  • Title: A view of the Great Cohoes Falls, on the Mohawk River [graphic] : the fall about seventy feet, the river near a quarter of a mile broad = Vue de la Grande Cataracte de Cohoes, sur la Riviere des Mohawks : la hateur est l’environ 70 pieds, 1 sa riviere a pres l’un quart de mile de large / sketch’d on the spot by His Excellency Governor Pownal ; painted by Paul Sandby, & engraved by Wm. Elliot.
  • Publication: London : Printed for John Bowles at No. 13 in Cornhill, Robert Sayer at No. 53 in Fleet Street, Thos. Jefferys the corner of St. Martins Lane in the Strand, Carington Bowles at No. 69 in St. Pauls Chruch Yard, and Henry Parker at No. 82 in Cornhill, [between 1768 and 1771]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023

A view of the falls on the Passaick

description below

“View of a waterfall in a canyon with forest surrounding, two small figures standing on the edge of rocks, sun rays piercing through the clouds.”–British Museum online catalogue, description of a later state.

  • Printmaker: Sandby, Paul, 1731-1809, printmaker, artist.
  • Title: A view of the falls on the Passaick, or Second River, in the province of New Jersey [graphic] : the height of the fall between eighty and ninety feet; the river about eighty yards broad = Vue de l’Cataracte du Passaick, ou Seconde Riviere, dans la province de Nouveau Jersey : la hauteur de cette chûte est de 80 à 90 pieds, et la largeur de la riviere d’environ 40 toises / sketch’d on the spot by His Excellency Governor Pownal ; painted & engraved by Paul Sandby.
  • Publication: London : Publish’d according to act of Parliament, 1761, by Thos. Jefferys, the corner of St. Martins Lane, [1761]

Catalog Record


Acquired April 2023

Drawing book of river and coastal landscapes

description below

Six engraved plates depicting river and coastal built up landscapes. Numbered C1-C6 and identified as ‘Book 3’ in the upper left hand corner of first plate. ‘Price 6d.’ in lower right margin of first plate.

  • Author: Schnebbelie, Jacob, 1760-1792, attributed name
  • Title: [Drawing book of river and coastal landscapes] [graphic]
  • Publication: [London] : Printed for Carington Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard, London, [approximately 1770]

Catalog Record

724 770Sc

Acquired September 2022