This indenture witnesseth that [Hugh Forster otherwise Foyster] of his own free will …



An printed indenture form apprenticing a poor boy for a period of seven years, issued by the Mayor of the Town of Stamford, Lincolnshire and acting as trustee of an annuity paid from the estate of Thomas Earl of Exeter.

  • TitleThis indenture witnesseth that [blank] of his own free will and with the consent of [blank] Gentleman, Mayor of the Town or Borough of Stamford in the County of Lincoln … trustee for the annuity or rent charge of forty one pounds one shilling and eight pence, giving by the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Exeter deceased, for putting out poor children of the said town apprentices …
  • Created[Lincoln?] : [s.n.], [17–]

Catalog Record & Digital Collection

File 66 795 T448

Acquired January 2014

Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, rent charge …

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A letterpress indenture printed on vellum with blanks for names, dates, and signatures.

  • Author: Theatre Royal (Drury Lane, London, England)
  • Title: Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, rent charge of two shillings and sixpence for every night of performance …
  • Created: [London : s.n., 1793]

Catalog record

Drawer 769 793 D84

Acquired July 2012

Agreement for altering & reparing a house in Hanover Square

A contract between tenants of the property and a carpenter Sampson Marks to divide and repair the property, with a pen and ink drawing of the present house and the proposed new layout. Included is a discussion of the repair of the associated coach house and stables. With the signatures of the tenants, both husbands and wives, as well as the carpenter and other interested parties, with revisions through 1786 with the last dated 22 November 1786. All witnessed and with penny stamps and wax seals.

  • Title: Agreement for altering & reparing a house in Hanover Square, 1786 March 20 – 1786 November 22.

Catalog Record

Acquired June 2012