On the death of Her Royal Highness

printed text

Engraved card printed within black mourning border, illustrated above title with an image of Prince Leopold leaning mournfully over his wife Princess Charlotte’s tomb, which is adorned with her portrait and topped with an urn. Sixteen lines of verse are engraved at the bottom.


  • Title: On the death of Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales : who died Novr. 6th, 1817.
  • Publication: [London] : T. Crabb, [1817]

Catalog Record

File 56 C47 817On No.2

Acquired November 2022

G. Wooll, carver & gilder, looking glass, picture frame maker

description below

A lithographically printed advertisement for G. Wooll of Hastings, showing a view of the town. Wooll was also a printer and publisher who issued local views of Hastings and Rye as individual prints and bound collections.


  • Printmaker: Tyller, G., printmaker.
  • Title: G. Wooll, carver & gilder, looking glass, picture frame maker, fancy stationer, printseller, &c. &c., High Street, Hastings [graphic] : Rich & plain cornices, chimney & pier glasses, box & swing ditto, gold bordering for rooms. Drawings lent to copy. Glasses polished & silvered. Old paintings cleaned and repaired. Drawing materials of every description. Screens, screen handles, embosed [sic] drawing boards, carde, papers & plain do. / drawn on stone by G. Tyller [or Tykes?], April 1823.
  • Publication: [London] : Printed by Simonau London, [1823]

Catalog Record

File 63 823 G1

Acquired January 2023

Memento. : Drunkenness expels reason, drowns the memory…

printed text

Engraved, with letterpress imprint and ornamental border and with a vignette above showing a street scene at night, with one man vomitting as he is supported by two companions. Across the street under a street light, a prostitute waves at the men.


  • Title: Memento. : Drunkenness expels reason, drowns the memory, distempers the body …
  • Publication: [Alnwick] : Davison, printer, Alnwick, [not after 1858]

Catalog Record

File 66 858 M533

Acquired November 2022

Grand aerostatic ascent…

printed text

Broadside advertising an ascent by Sieur Krous involving balloons in the form of Henry IV of France and “a number of wild animals”, which would perform an “aerial chace, or hunt in the air”.


  • Title: Grand aerostatic ascent. The nobility, gentry, and the public are most respectfully informed that the Sieur Krous, having at length succeeded in obtaining a ground for the above experiment, it will positively take place on Monday, July 3, 1815, at the Angel Gardens, Lambeth Walk, (late Chapman’s) near Vauxhall. …
  • Publication: London : W. Glindon, Rupert-Street, Haymarket, 1815.

Catalog Record

File 53 K93 815

Acquired January 2023

Toplis & Sons, tobacco and snuff manufacturers

printed text

  • Title: Toplis & Sons, tobacco and snuff manufacturers, No. 71, Shoreditch, London [graphic] : importers of Havannah and all other foreign cigars & snuffs, & manufacturers of all sorts of fancy tobacco’s & snuffs.
  • Publication: [London] : [Toplis & Sons], [approximately 1825]

Catalog Record

File 66 825 T675

Acquired October 2022

The City-Office and Statute-Hall, for Hiring Servants

printed text

Printed advertisement, issued by Mary Noble, for her servant registry office in London. Noble was proprietor of the business between 1781 and 1785, when the City of London Land Tax records lists her as paying an annual rent and Land Tax for her premises.

  • Author: Noble, Mary, active 1781-1785.
  • Title: The City-Office and Statute-Hall, for Hiring Servants, at No. 100, Fenchurch-Street, opposite the India-Warehouses.
  • Publication: [London] : [M. Noble], [not after 1782]

Catalog Record

File 66 782 C581

Acquired August 2022

Private play. Thursday, June 27th, 1822

printed text

Printed card advertising a Regency private theatrical performance. A location of London is suggested by the identity of one of the performers. “Mrs. Weippart,” Penelope Weippert, née Blane (-1846), wife of John Michael Weippart (1775-1831), harpist, was a professional actress connected with the Theatre Royal on the Strand.
Signed at the end: Stage carpenter, Mr. Riordan.


  • Title: Private play. Thursday, June 27th, 1822. An occasional address to be delivered by Captain Hill. Foot’s farce of The liar … Colman’s farce of Blue devils … The entertainment to be concluded with supper and quadrilles.
  • Publication: [London?] : [publisher not identified], [1822]

Catalog Record

File 66 822 P961

Acquired November 2022

Documents relating to a legal dispute between the overseers of the poor

selection of printed sheets fanned out

A collection of ten documents concerning a dispute over which of two parishes in Derbyshire should be responsible for a pauper family. The family of Thomas Bottom, his wife Hannah, and their five children (Ann 12 years, Thomas 10 years, Sarah 7 years, Charles 4 years, and Lydia “aged abt 1/2 year”) had been adjudged by two local magistrates to be lawfully resident in Bradburn and therefore were the responsibility of the Overseers of that parish. The Bradburn Overseers, however, produced strong evidence to the contrary and were thus appealing the decision.

  • Title: Documents relating to a legal dispute between the overseers of the poor of the parishes of Bradburn and Kniveton, in Derbyshire : manuscript and printed text.
  • Production: Derbyshire, England, 1817.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss File 155+

Acquired May 2022

To the constables, tythingmen, and other his Majesty’s Peace Officers

printed form with manuscript text

  • Title: To the constables, tythingmen, and other his Majesty’s Peace Officers of [blank] in the said county, for due execution and return therof. : You are hereby required in his Majesty’s name, forthwith to summon and warn [blank] to appear before me, or others of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the said county …
  • Publication: [Somerton, England] : [publisher not identified, [ca. 1809]
  • Manufacture: [Somerton, England] : Barrett, typ. Somerton, [ca. 1809]

Catalog Record

File 66 809 T627

Acquired October 2021