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How to Save Your Smartphone Battery

Our smartphones are a big part of our lives. In our highly-connected society, we use them for navigation, communication, documentation, and entertainment. Unfortunately, our devices have limited battery capacity. Instead of having your device shut down at the most inconvenient time, here are some tips on how to save your battery life.

Cut Down on Features

Smart devices are great because they have so many spiffy features, but many of these can use up battery without your knowledge. Disabling these features when you are not using them is a fantastic way to extend your battery life. For instance, you can disable ‘Hey Siri’ on an iPhone so that your phone microphone is not constantly listening for commands.

The same goes for Bluetooth. Unless you are using it for a contact tracing app or purposefully trying to connect to an external device like a speaker, Bluetooth should be disabled. Likewise, many apps use GPS location services to display maps or send you geographically-relevant data. You can disabled this service or reduce the apps that are accessing it to save power.

It may seem like a small act, but limiting the brightness of your screen can make a big difference to your battery life too. Most devices have an automatic brightness option that will allow them to adjust the brightness of the display to suit the lighting conditions. For even more savings, try switching to dark mode to conserve up to 47 percent battery power.

Banish the Power-Hungry

The general rule of thumb is that the more applications you have open, the faster your battery will deplete. Understandably, we can get carried away switching from app to app. But, when you have multiple apps running at the same time—even in the background—they can eat away at your battery. Hence, make it a habit to close an app after you have finished using it.

Certain actions and apps use more of your device’s power as well. Playing a multi-player game will take up a lot more resources than scrolling through Facebook. Likewise, social media apps are more taxing than casual web browsing. To find out which apps drain the most power, check the battery usage information in the device settings.

Take note of the apps that are hogging your battery and make sure that you only use them when your device is fully charged or when you have a power bank at your disposal. If you cannot avoid these apps, consider less power-hungry alternatives. For example, instead of using the Facebook app, you could view Facebook’s mobile site in your browser instead.

Neuter Notifications

Each time your phone interacts with the Internet, a little bit of your battery dies. The purpose of push notifications is often questionable. Unless you are waiting for important information that cannot be delayed, notifications can not only be distracting and annoying but also bad for your battery life.

In order for push notifications to be timely, your device is constantly fetching new data from the Internet. Once it discovers new information, it may turn on your screen, play a sound, or even vibrate. In response, you may unlock your phone and launch an app. This whole cycle uses up power and can occur as often as every 5 minutes.

Head to your notification settings and turn off the unnecessary ones. If you check your social media accounts several times a day, there is really no need to have notifications popping up all the time as well. Try to limit push services to the bare essentials such as your work email or your favorite chat group.

Charge Smart

The batteries in your devices have a limited lifespan of charge cycles. After approximately 500 charge cycles, your battery will begin to charge slower and retain power less efficiently. While we cannot control the natural degeneration of batteries, there are some measures we can take to extend their lifespan.

Try to maintain a proper level of charge in your battery at all times. While allowing your battery to drop to zero and doing a full charge can be good every one or two months, doing it frequently will wear your battery out. On the other hand, overcharging can be bad too. Do not leave your phone plugged in all day if it is already at a hundred percent.

If you require a quick charge, there is nothing like a good old-fashioned wall charger. New wireless charging products are cool but—depending on your phone and OS—it could take 30-80 percent longer to charge your device than with a cable. Wall chargers are much more affordable and you can use your phone while charging as well.

Our smartphones are essential tools for the modern world. However, until we can develop solar or motion-powered devices, we are still at the mercy of their limited battery life. By using optimizing the way we utilize our devices, we can help them to do more and last longer.

Why Refurbished Computer Monitors Are Popular

There are no two ways about it: computer equipment is costly. Whether you are an individual or a business, buying computer equipment of the quality you require is going to pull on the purse strings. So why should you consider a refurbished computer monitor?

Many people worry about refurbished computer equipment. It’s a lot cheaper than when you buy brand new, so there must be something wrong with it, right? It’s important to remember that refurbished computers are totally different from second hand ones.

A refurbished computer is one that has been returned to the manufacturer because a customer wasn’t happy with it. The reason for return could be that it wasn’t quite the product they anticipated. Or it may have had a few problems. Essentially, the computer has barely been used. The manufacturer then tests and fixes the computer equipment if necessary, ensuring it meets all their usual quality assurance protocols for brand new products. The manufacturer then re-sells the computer equipment at a reduced price as a product that is labelled ‘refurbished’.

Understanding the meaning of ‘refurbished’ can go a long way to putting your mind at ease if you’re considering refurbished computer products. And even if you’re not sure about going for a totally refurbished computer system, you might consider buying certain parts of your computer refurbished. Computer monitors in particular can be a good option if you’re thinking of going refurbished. Here’s why.


The main reason people consider a refurbished computer is the price. It is considerably cheaper to buy computer equipment refurbished rather than new. If you don’t quite have the money to buy your ideal computer brand new, selecting a refurbished computer monitor is a great way to save some money. Buying a refurbished computer monitor may free up enough money for you to buy the processing system you want. Or it may be your first foray into the world of refurbished computing, which gives you confidence to buy other refurbished products too.

You can find refurbished monitors and other refurbished computing equipment via manufacturers or through other computing companies, such as those that offer a PC repair service. Your choice of retailer may even save you some money on parts and sales tax too.

Better Model

Sometimes it pays off to buy a refurbished computer monitor because it enables you to buy a better brand and model than you could afford brand new. Many people would prefer not to have the most basic computer system and monitor available on the market. If you dream of having a better computer monitor, then looking at the refurbished options may be a good idea.

Which computer monitor you go for depends on your criteria. You may want a better-known brand than the most budget options in a computer store. It could be that you need a larger screen, which is great if you do a lot of computer work. You might prioritize the best picture quality or resolution you can afford. Perhaps you want a computer monitor that has good credentials for particular criteria, such as reducing eye strain. Your money will stretch further with a refurbished model for all of these reasons.

Benefits of Buying New

The great thing about buying a refurbished computer monitor is that you buy at a reduced price, but you get many of the same benefits of buying new. Primarily, this means you will have a warranty with a good amount of buyer protection included in it. Remember to check the warranty details before you buy, because this can vary between different stores and retailers. For the most part, however, you will get many of the same benefits as those who purchase new computers, such as free replacement parts and repairs if anything goes wrong within a reasonable timeframe.

No Data Issues

One concern that some people have with buying refurbished computers more generally is that their data may not be secure. If the computer was originally owned by someone different, and then it has been worked on by technicians, it may not have that same feeling of security as coming straight out of the factory. In fact, there are stringent processes in place for refurbishing computers, so if you buy your refurbished computer from a reputable source, this should never be a problem. Even doing a factory reset on most machines is a pretty solid process in terms of security.

However, if you just can’t shake that feeling that you want your computer to be factory fresh, but cost is an issue, then a refurbished monitor may be the solution for you. After all, a monitor is just a screen – it has nothing to do with data storage or data collection. So you could still go for your brand-new computer processing system, but buy your monitor and other accessories at a far reduced price as a refurbished option. This is an excellent way to gain peace of mind, while getting the very best collection of computing equipment you can afford. Many people go on to buy more refurbished equipment once they have tried it once, because they realize what a great deal it can be.

Why Is Solar Energy Becoming More Popular?

With destructive wars being fought over our planet’s limited resources, switching to renewable energy is becoming ever more relevant. Although solar power has been around for decades, it has recently experienced a surge in adoption rates. Let us explore the many reasons why solar energy is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

Better for the Environment

We would all love to keep our individual carbon footprints in check. While volunteering to protect rainforests or participating in a climate march may be out of your comfort zone, installing solar in your home is a practical way to start putting your aspirations into action.

Solar power is generated through photovoltaic technology and it is natural, renewable, and clean. It does not involve the burning of any fossil fuels or the emission of greenhouse gasses that contribute to the global climate change crisis. You also avoid contributing to the high levels of air and water pollution that come from the collection of fossil fuels.

Saves on Bills

Nobody likes to receive a huge power bill at the end of the month. Conventional energy costs are skyrocketing and are projected to continue rising. Therefore, it makes sense to consider financially-sound alternatives that provide you with a return on your investment.

With advances in manufacturing technology and a glut in the market, residential solar energy systems are more affordable than before. While some people may be tempted to wait for solar prices to decline further, every bill you pay for conventional energy is money thrown away forever.

On the other hand, while a solar energy system requires a larger upfront cost, it is a form of long-term investment. Experts estimate that solar energy systems pay for themselves in as little as five years and will save you thousands of dollars in power bills after that.

Pays For Itself

Aside from reducing conventional power usage, a solar energy system comes with other financial benefits. Depending on where you are situated, there could be several government incentives for users of solar power that can help you save on both installation and operation costs.

Feed-in tariffs are another way that solar energy users can profit. When your solar panels produce more energy than your batteries can store, this excess energy can be sold back to the energy grid operator. Although feed-in tariffs will not make you rich, they can offset your household expenses.

Adds Property Value

As home buyers grow more invested in environmental responsibility, a solar energy system can add substantial value to the sale price of your property. Today’s solar panels and batteries are slim, sleek, and add a high-tech touch to your modern home.

If you are looking to sell soon, upgrading your home by installing a solar energy system is a quick and fuss-free way to increase the wow factor. If you are not ready to put your home on the market yet, you can still enjoy the benefits of generating your own energy in the meantime.

Enables Self-Reliance

In this time of political instability, it is important to be able to depend on yourself. A solar energy system offers you the freedom to enjoy electricity without being tied to the volatile, market-driven utility grid. Because they are self-contained, solar energy systems are the perfect solution for remote rural homes.

For those who prefer to remain tied to the grid, solar energy systems with powerful solar batteries will ensure that you enjoy more power security. In the event of a power supply disruption, your batteries will continue to provide energy for hours, ensuring that your fridge and other essential appliances continue to function.

Minimal Maintenance

Unlike other renewable energy resources such as windmills, solar panels are fairly easy to maintain. They have no moving parts and therefore experience minimal malfunction or wear and tear. High-performance solar panels still operate efficiently even if they are dirty.

The only maintenance you need to perform on your solar panels is to ensure that there are no overhanging branches or objects that may fall onto the panels and damage them. You can also wash the surface of the panels periodically. With proper care, your solar panels can continue to work well for twenty to thirty years.

Solar energy technology for the home is now incredibly advanced. Intelligent solar energy systems such as the Tesla Powerwall can vastly lower your usage of grid power. Batteries are scalable and multiple units can be combined for an impressive amount of storage. You can even monitor the status of your solar battery through a mobile app.

Whether you want to achieve total energy independence or minimize your household’s impact, solar can help you to reduce your reliance on the utility grid and the polluting fossil fuel industry. The sun is a renewable resource that we can all tap into. Save your wallet and the environment by considering solar power for your home.

5 Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

If you have sustained injuries to your body or mind due to another party’s negligent or deliberate acts, you have the right to file a personal injury case. The goal of personal injury lawsuits are to ensure that injured parties are properly compensated for the damages that they sustained. Here are five common kinds of personal injury cases.

Auto Accidents

It is estimated that almost 6.6 million cars were involved in traffic crashes in the U.S. in 2019. Car accidents are a common cause of severe personal injury in the country. They can result in internal injuries, broken bones, persistent neck and back injuries, disfiguration and burns, loss of limbs, paralysis, and traumatic brain injury.

Vehicular accidents are usually attributed to distraction, recklessness, or driving under the influence. The circumstances surrounding every car accident are unique and laws can vary between states. Police reports can help to establish fault but having an attorney with experience in your type of accident is integral to make sure that you receive proper compensation.

Premises Liability

Property owners are legally obligated to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition. Property owners can be found negligent if they do not take measures to address a safety hazard or prevent a risky situation. Therefore, should you have suffered an injury due to an unsafe condition on someone else’s property, you can hold them accountable.

Slip and fall claims are some of the most common personal injury cases. These cases can cover a variety of incidents, including slipping on a wet store floor, tripping over uneven paving stones, falling in a poorly-lit place, or not having adequate handholds on a flight of stairs. The failure to post proper signage warning users of hazards can also be considered negligence.

Dog bites can be covered under premises liability as well. If you were bitten by a dog on another person’s property, the property owner can be liable for the injuries caused by the animal. Laws regarding dog bites vary according to state. Some states require proof that the dog had a history of aggression, while other states are extremely strict in favor of the complainant.

Medical Malpractice, Drugs, and Devices

We trust our healthcare professionals to provide a standard of care and look after us to the best of their training and abilities. However, there have been incidences where medical practitioners end up causing a patient more harm than good. Medical malpractice claims can be made against healthcare professionals for misdiagnosis, concealing or fabricating information, altering test results, and prescribing dangerous medication.

In addition, there are thousands of injury and wrongful death incidents that occur in the U.S. due to dangerous drugs and defective medical devices. It can be scary to think that some over-the-counter and prescription drugs can cause damage. Sadly, defective drugs do exist. When these medications result in injury or death, you can hold drug manufacturers responsible.

Similarly, devices such as metal-on-metal hip implants and defective hernia mesh have resulted in severe harm. Companies who manufacture these protects can be liable for producing defective equipment, failing to perform adequate safety testing, and failing to warn of potential risks. Companies who market these products can also be found negligent if they knowingly promote and sell dangerous medical devices.

Intentional Assault

Intentional harm is slightly different from other personal injury cases because the harm sustained was deliberate and not due to negligence or an accident. The perpetrators of such acts will usually face criminal charges. Nonetheless, the victim should also file a civil personal injury case to receive compensation for their emotional and physical injuries.

Civil suits are particularly helpful for victims of sexual assault or abuse. Numerous high-profile cases as such those against the Catholic Church and academic institutions have been pursued. Unlike criminal court, where defendants must be found guilty of a crime beyond any doubt, civil cases only need to determine if the accused is liable for the injuries sustained by the complainant.

Workplace Injuries

People get injured on the job every day. Generally, when you get injured in the workplace, you will be told to file a workers’ compensation claim. However, you can often also pursue a case against the person or company liable for your injuries. Some companies require voluntary resignations to receive workers’ compensation so an additional payout can contribute to your financial security while you recover.

Your employers have a duty of care to ensure that your workplace is safe. If your injury occurs due to a preventable hazard like a slippery floor or harmful working environment like poor ventilation, they can be found accountable. Additionally, if you were injured by a piece of machinery, the manufacturer of the machinery could be held responsible as well.

Personal injury litigation is a large and varied field. Hence, it is essential to engage experienced firms such as Chaffin Luhana LLP Injury Lawyers to champion your case. These plaintiffs-only law firms are focused on helping victims find justice, however complex the case. If you have a personal injury grievance, contact a competent attorney today and exercise your right to a fair compensation.