Teaching & Student Advising Testimonial Videos

Teaching: https://pawar1550.wixsite.com/claflin-courses

Student gallery can be found below:

Claflin University: Course Catalog

Georgia State University 1103: Course Catalog

Georgia State University 114, 121: Course Catalog

Student Advising: https://www.claflin-computation.com/teaching

Student Evaluations

Research Students GitHub Projects: Student-GitHub-Projects

Past Student Advising Proposals: https://github.com/spawar2/Advising

*High School Students: 7; **Undergraduate Students: 69; ***Graduate/Masters Students: 4; ****Physicians trainees: 4; *****Undergraduate Interns: 6; ******High School Teachers: 2

Proposal/Thesis Adviser, Committee Member & Individual Student Guidance (Graduate, Undergraduate, High School, Interns) Testimonials:

Bibek Itani, Delta Airlines, Atlanta, GA.

Mr. Bibek Itani, Undergraduate student: Claflin University, South Carolina, USA. Thesis: Driving mishaps detection & rerouting the traffic using smart phones (Fall 2022). Presently software engineer at Delta Airlines, Atlanta, Georgia. Bibek_Itani_Road Incident Reporting System

Ms. A Agrawal, University of Connecticut Special Program in Medicine (BS/MD); Amity Public School, Connecticut, USA. Experiential Learning Program Project: Identifying biomarkers between lymphoma and leukemia cancer patients (Fall 2021). CT STEM and Norwalk Science Fair (Poster).

Mr. Madhu Gottti, Undergraduate student, Stanford University, California. Los Osos High School, California. Longitudinal and correlational study to investigate impact of food insecurity among adolescents on their health outcomes as adults.

Pawar, Data-Science.

