Category Archives: On Facebook
Visiting the Beinecke Library
Arabic Calligraphy for Yale World Class students
NELC for Turkey and Syria
In a Department fundraising event dedicated to supporting Turkey and Syria, an Arabic Language student recites Nizar Qabbani’s Dimascisian Poem.
Arabic Calligraphy
Another successful event featuring Arabic Calligraphy at the Yale Beinecke Library.
On CT COLT page
Languages in Dialogue. Classes visit Beinecke Library.
Award winning Iraqi Writer Visits Campus as Yale Celebrates 50/150
Celebrating the anniversary of Women at Yale 50/150 and in an afternoon of Arabic music and Literature, Iraqi young writer Shahad Al Rawi spoke to Students of the Arabic Program and Yale Community. Read more about it on our FB page here.
Books; a pathway for a world of dreams.
Class Visit to the Yale Art Gallery
Class Visit to The Bienecke Library
Teaching for Proficiency Summer Institute on FB Collaborating with fellow world language educators and getting their insight is an extremely valuable experience. Plans to meet again in ACTFL conference 2019.
Share Fair 2019 on Facebook
The Role of Grammar in a Proficiency-Oriented Curriculum
Yale Bulldog Days 2019
Back in the Groove; day one after the break.
Back in the Groove; day one after the break.
New Summer Online Course
Arabic Classes converse with displaced persons
Class meets current issues. Language sheds light on life