Tech-Tips for the Connecticut Council Langage Teaching
Category Archives: Beyond the Class

Escape The Virtual Room; Arabic Restaurant Edition
Today I used the first Virtual Escape room that I made. Click here to see if you can “escape the room”!

Read, Learn and Play a Project made possible through the US Department of Education Grant
Read, Learn and Play: Online Interactive Arabic Reading Materials provides original reading texts in the form of shareable eBooks along with virtual online practice activities. The materials are designed according to the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) method and Comprehensible Input (CI) theory. The resources are aligned to novice, intermediate and advanced ACTFL … Continue reading Read, Learn and Play a Project made possible through the US Department of Education Grant
Learning Arabic During Lockdown.

Reflecting on Distant Teaching.
Reflecting on Distant Teaching

Languages in Dialogue. Classes visit Beinecke Library.

Conference Contribution
Read it live here.

Book Signing
About the series: A seven-book series written in MSA targeting improving the reading comprehension. The series targets beginner, intermediate as well as advanced levels. It is designed according to the standards of the American Council for Foreign Language Teaching (ACTFL). Each book includes, in addition to the original text, audio recording, vocabulary, and drills targeting … Continue reading Book Signing

Speaking to Participants in the Distance Language Teaching and Learning Program 2020
When I was invited to speak to the new cohort the Distance Language Teaching and Learning Program, I knew it was going to be exciting and fun at the same time. And indeed, it was. I walked in on the group finishing a hands-on activity in which they had to remotely collaborate with a partner … Continue reading Speaking to Participants in the Distance Language Teaching and Learning Program 2020

Book Series Featured in Arabic K -12 Teachers Network
A description and a recommendation of my book series was features on Arabic k -12 Teachers Network. Here is what they had to say about it: “With Reading We Excel” book series in MSA This series is great to use as supplementary reading material, especially if you want your students to do some independent reading … Continue reading Book Series Featured in Arabic K -12 Teachers Network
Project Based Learning; Students of Intermediate Arabic write short stories and help peers learn
Intermediate Arabic I (ARBC 130) created short stories for their peers to be used as reading materials in coming years. This project was an attempt to remedy one aspect of the current text book where students struggle to comprehend 50% of the reading material found in this book. Hence their project centered around creating reading material that fits the criteria of comprehensible input theory by Krashen. To this end they received basic instruction of what this theory was, the basic effect and benefits of using visuals and audio recording in story telling for second language learners, as well as the importance of the proper inclusion of culture and cultural themes and aspects in these stories. They were paired with native speakers with whom they worked to receive cultural as well as language feedback and guidance. They studied and analyzed various already existing reading materials that ranged form those created for language learners, to those created for native children and others that were authentic resources created for young adults. The differences and similarities between these different materials were discussed as well different strategies that each used and the purpose behind them. For each story, students were asked to write first drafts that they would have opportunity to check with their telecollaborative language partner, the class teaching assistant and /or the instructor. Technology was not only included via the telecollaborative cooperation partnership. Students also had to use VoiceThread as the medium through which they were to create their story and they were instructed to do so in a Pecha Kucha storytelling format.
Below are one-page examples:

Yale World Fellow Helps Students with Project
The Iraqi native Yale World Fellow Ahmed Al Basheer visited class of Advanced Arabic I to help them with their project in which they had to create a short video with a two-fold purpose; the first was to include information they have learned about the Arab world and the second to use this information in … Continue reading Yale World Fellow Helps Students with Project

Class Visit to the Yale Art Gallery

Class Visit to The Bienecke Library

Yale Bulldog Days 2019

Words of gratitude are always the best,
Since summer of 2018 I started giving online intensive classes on Foreign Language Pedagogy for international students. This has been a great experience culminating my experience in language education as well as my recently earned degree in Foreign Language Pedagogy from Columbia University (EdM.). It has been a great pleasure and an eye opening experience. … Continue reading Words of gratitude are always the best,

Tunisian calligraphist and light artist gives workshop to our class
October, 2017. Our class was so lucky as to get a personalized calligrapy workshop from Karim Jabbari during his visit to Yale. These pictures are sapects of the workshop. Karim Jabbari, a Tunisian calligraffiti and light artist, is considered one of the most respected light calligraffiti artists in the world. Karim began … Continue reading Tunisian calligraphist and light artist gives workshop to our class

Students Post on YouTube
Media is part of a learners’ life in the 21st century. So it should be part of his learning experience as well. This is a channel that I delicate to student’s created videos. Link here.

Put Arabic Literature on the Map
This is the outcome of a semester long project in which students of Arabic (at the advanced level) literally worked to put Arabic Literature on the Map . Enjoy navigating the works and their writers here.

Arabic Script Calligraphy Workshop
Arabic Script Calligraphy Workshop