Open Education Resource; a Repository of Language Teaching and Learning Modules

The ‘Developing an OER Repository of Heritage Language Teaching and Learning Modules’ project at Yale University, initiated by Angela Lee-Smith (Korean) and developed in collaboration with Sarab Al Ani (Arabic), Ninghui Liang (Chinese), Peisong Xu (Chinese), and Mansi Bajaj (Hindi), is supported by the Yale Center for Language Study as part of Instructional Innovation Workshop  2024. This initiative has successfully created multiple comprehensive modules centered on crucial themes such as Art, Travel, and culture. Designed for heritage language (HL) learners at intermediate to advanced levels in secondary and higher education, these modules provide language-specific examples but are adaptable across various languages. They integrate principles of universal learning design (UDL) to enhance communication skills, cultural awareness, and critical thinking. HL teachers can effortlessly adapt and implement these modules in their educational settings. Each module also incorporates AI technology to improve teaching efficiency. Hosted on WordPress, the repository enhances accessibility and inclusivity, fostering a community of practice among heritage language educators and learners.

Explore the resource by clicking here.

IIW Final Presentation at the Yale CLS