Upcoming Conference Presentations: How the COVID 19 Pandemic offers Opportunities for Student Engagement in Language

Happy to accept Ustatha Magda El-Sherbini’s invitation to be part of this panel. The current situation created by the COVID 19 pandemic offers opportunities for universities to develop innovative approaches to language instruction. Libraries can play a vital role in this process by establishing contacts and facilitating communications. Library Area Studies departments are well-positioned to assist our students in their language acquisition and to expand on the idea of cooperation between institutions.

In this collaborative endeavor students or staff from overseas universities and the local university can be given an opportunity to conduct informal conversations on topics of mutual interest (via Zoom, Skype, Google Suite, Microsoft Suite, etc.). American students will have the opportunity to practice their language with native speakers from other countries as well as learning their culture. In turn, students and staff from overseas universities can be given the opportunity for professional development, as well as a chance to learn more about America and its culture. It is a reciprocal relationship. The library has a role to play in setting up this kind of connection as the librarians have the knowledge of the culture, people, and the area they are serving.

This panel will discuss how online teaching and learning provides many additional advantages to our students as well as how the library, as an integral part of teaching and learning, can work with faculty and instructors to facilitate this leaning opportunity.