A description and a recommendation of my book series was features on Arabic k -12 Teachers Network.
Here is what they had to say about it:
“With Reading We Excel” book series in MSA
This series is great to use as supplementary reading material, especially if you want your students to do some independent reading at home. It includes a glossary and various drills and exercises that vary in complexity depending on the level (connect, circle, multiple choice, fill in the blank, complete the sentence and open-ended questions). These drills are great to use either as homework followed by in-class discussion or to check for understanding. The series has pictures that can be used in class as a prompt for picture-talk or personalized questions. With themes that correspond to ACTFL performance benchmarks (greetings, introducing oneself, family, friends, likes and dislikes, house, hobbies, preferred activities … etc.) there are many ways to incorporate it into your curriculum! Find the book series here.
Link to the post here.