Two Buildings, One Workflow – Multi-Site Delivery for Beinecke Materials

The Beinecke library’s major renovation will impact all areas of service as the historic building is shuttered between May 2015 and September 2016. Both patrons and staff depend on reliable access to the unparalleled rare materials collection, and therefore need a reliable requesting mechanism to get offsite materials delivered to either the temporary public reading room (located in SML) or the new Beinecke Technical Services space at Science Park.

Special collections stored at the LSF have historically only been deliverable to the owning collection – further movement is handled by the collection’s staff. Changing this to allow for two formal delivery locations required a change to Aeon, the software used by special collections to manage requesting, and to the scripts used by the LSF to process incoming requests. Working with Beinecke and LSF Staff, Enterprise Systems and Services personnel were able to identify an unused field in the Aeon application and use it to store the desired pickup location. The Aeon and GFA applications responsible for integration were then modified to recognize this field and use it to represent a new “drop code” for Beinecke materials. Staff can now populate this field from a radio button in the web request form or through direct entry in the staff client – no other changes to the request are necessary.

Patron requests are automatically designated for the public reading room without staff intervention. With the first test requests processed successfully, Beinecke’s staff at the new technical services headquarters will be ready to continue work uninterrupted after their move. This solution also opens the door to requesting across special collections – allowing readers to view materials at the reading room most convenient for them. While there are many policy, safety, and preservation concerns to be addressed, this project has helped to ensure continuity of service for Beinecke patrons while opening the discussion for more convenient material access for special collection patrons in general.

Quicksearch beta Quick Tip–Format Facets

Often searches in the catalogs bring back a lot of material, and you might only want certain types, for example only online material (or books, or only journals). In Quicksearch beta these are both examples of format facets.

It only takes a few seconds to limit a search to a type of format. For example, limit a large number of results for the search ‘diabetes’ to only find digital or online material.

  • Do your search, and then go into only Books+. Do that using the Books+ link on the left side or the link for ‘see all 3,558 results.’

all books



  • In the resulting display, look on the left under the Format facet for the value ‘Online.’



  • Select Online, and only digital material will be displayed. You can also select Journals & Newspapers, and only online journals will be displayed. The final screen shot shows how a large search has been limited to far few items. To remove the limits, just click on the X next to the format. 


facets used 

The search results are now a more narrowly focused group of 132 records for online journals or newspapers held at either the Yale University Library or the Yale Law Library.

Quicksearch beta Quick Tip–Limit to a Library Location

Quicksearch exposes library content with facets. They make it easier than ever to explore library metadata about authors, book locations, formats, and subjects. For example, it is easy to find items in a specific library, for example the Music Library.

Do a search in Books+ and look on the left under Location.

loc facet





To see all the locations for this search, click on the + to expand the list. Music Library is one of the options displayed.










Select Music Library, and only those items held in the Yale Music Library will be listed.



Quicksearch beta Quick Tip- How to see all of Orbis or Morris with 2 clicks!

Another nice feature of Quicksearch beta is the ability to see the entire Orbis, Morris, or combined catalogs at a glance. The Quicksearch beta Books+ search uses what’s called a SOLR index, which allows for wider and faster keyword and indexed searches. This is what enables us to see all of our catalog quickly.

In the screencast below, watch as I call back all of Orbis and Morris together in under 3 seconds (after hitting the search    button):

Quicksearch beta Quick Tip–Using Subject Facets

The Subject facet is a great way to explore search results in various topics. Now you can also combine subjects in different ways using the facet connectors ‘Any of’ and ‘All of.’

To see Subject facets you need to either be in Books+ or Articles+.

Here is an example.

  • In Books+ do a search for ‘measles.’
  • Find the Subject facet on the left. Open the facet and select some subject headings for: Vaccination, Communicable Disease Control and Prevention.

all of


  • Once these are selected you’ll see the subjects listed at the top of the page. With these three subjects your search is now very narrow, with only 2 results. 

all of


You can change this to a wider search by flipping the Change the All Of indicator to Any of. This will make the search broader, picking up more records. 

any of