How Users Search Orbis

The most used online resource the Yale University Library offers is Orbis, the search and display interface for its catalog.  As the library develops a new discovery tool for the Orbis (and Morris) catalog, it’s an appropriate time to review how people search in Orbis.

In Orbis, users are presented with a Basic Search page by default, where they may enter a string of words and execute a Keyword search. They may elect to change Keyword to a specific field, such as Title, Journal Title or Author, In addition they may select a Quick Limit, so that the search only returns a specific format (e.g. books), or recent material (published after 2007).

Orbis Basic Search Page with Keyword Search


Research has shown that in general most users stick with a default search and do not often add limits or select a specific field to search. The data for Orbis searches confirm this finding. In searches run in March and April, 2015, users overwhelmingly (97%) ran basic searches with no limits or specific fields selected.

orbis yale data_17054_image001


Implications for Discovery

The search interface approach taken by most Web-scale discovery systems such as Quicksearch, is to present a simple search box with little to no advanced search functionality. The expectation is that the user will execute a simple, broad search. The search results will be presented with facets, which represent subsets of results. The hope is that the user will see facets and use them to more narrowly focus her search. In contrast, a traditional library catalog search presents the user with options to set limits before the search is executed. As seen in the Orbis use data, this traditional approach does not seem to resonate with many users. We know that the majority of our users, when presented with search options from a search page, will execute a basic search with no limits or specific fields selected. The question remains if users will find facets as presented in Quicksearch to be a useful way to manipulate search results.

How Search Activity Was Measured

These search statistics were gathered using Google Analytics. Every time someone goes to the Basic search page, a pageview is recorded. Another pageview is recorded when a search is executed, and again if the user clicks on the next page of results. One search can result in many pageviews. However, unique pageviews, the metric used here, are recorded only once during a search session.  Any executed search will contain some variation on the term searchArg in the URL. Here is an example from Basic Search:*&limitTo=none&recCount=50&searchType=1&

In the search above a search was executed for dog as a keyword (denoted by seachCode=GKEY). No limits were applied.

More complex searches can be run from Basic Search by selecting a field to search or applying one of the Quick Limits, such as

In this case the Title field was selected (searchCode=TALL) and a limit was set to look for publications from 2007 to the present (limitTo=Date). Search terms can be combined using Advanced Search. Advanced searches can be found in Google Analytics because they contain numbered search terms searchArg1, searchArg2 and searchArg3.


Orbis and Quicksearch beta: planning for production

As we’ve noted often in posts and talks around the library, LIT is working on a new interface, Quicksearch beta, for searching records from two library catalogs: Orbis and Morris. We are currently soliciting input on prioritization of functionality development.  While we do this work it is worth noting that there are no plans to retire the Orbis and Morris interfaces.

The Solr-based Quicksearch beta is a very good simplified keyword search of catalog records. It offers superior relevancy ranking of search results. The faceted results it provides are useful for giving more visibility to the metadata in catalog records. However, it does not offer advanced searching at this time, and for some collections and staff advanced search is a necessity. Therefore, Orbis will remain a fully-supported production service, even as Quicksearch beta develops and becomes a more full-featured service. We will work toward a shift by  the spring semester 2016, where Quicksearch will drop its beta status and become the featured search on the library’s home page, but Orbis and Morris will still have important roles to play and will still be available and linked from the library’s home page.


First Library Tech Talk Lightning Round

Today LIT did its first Tech Talk Lightning Round. In this format LIT staff give a very brief five minute update and then take ten minutes of questions and discussion. Feedback about this talk was very positive, and we hope to do another in April with the same format. Please send us suggestions for updates and project overviews you would like to hear about at the talk.

This time staff presented

  • Quicksearch beta
  • Aeon
  • Libguides 2
  • EZproxy Pilot

For those of you who could not make the talk here are the slides and some very rough notes from the discussion.


Quicksearch beta (Kalee Sprague) 
  • went live with public beta on Feb 6
  • traveling information sessions to different departments
  • draft bookmarks to hand out
  • continuing new development – new features through fall 2015
  • dynamic display of Morris statuses 
  • goal is to have stable  release for fall 2015
  • Quicksearch becomes prominent on the library’s home page in January 2016. This does NOT mean Orbis is gone, just takes a step back in prominence.
  • Demo’ed a search for justice resnik. Facets can be used to include or exclude material (using IS NOT). Is not functionality has been requested for years.


  •  MARC for eresources are loaded to Orbis/Morris – what deduping will there be in QS? Will we cease loading e-records?
    ANSWER from cataloging – we do coordinate with Law library on ebooks. After some discussion there was some agreement that all records should continue to be loaded in catalogs, we can dedupe at the point of ingest to Quicksearch.  Noted also that occurrence of duplication between Law and SML is rare
  • Will search Articles+ be replaced?
    ANSWER- we are focusing on making Articles+ work with QS beta now
  •  When we will push to students?
    ANSWER  It’s public beta and some staff are teaching or showing QSbeta, but others are waiting until Fall 2015.
    There was another comment that Articles+ is very helpful for some students, especially date limits, and it should continue to be prominent (not just in Quicksearch).
  • Finally, LIT staff are looking for feedback from RIO and other groups, please invite us to speak and demo!
Aeon (Melissa Wisner)
Overview of changes scheduled for Aeon, including the expanded use by the Lewis Walpole and Cushing/Whitney Medical Historical libraries.
  • Aeon is expanding – patron registration now available at all YUL Special Collections Libraries
  • Go to website, connect to link and be prompted to create account
  • TOU agreement (privacy, id type, security)
  • Staff approves request for access to materials
  • Once the user is approved, she can now request from any collection!
  • Showed Special Collections LibGuide
  • All Yale community members need to self-initiate registration in Aeon


  •  Right now, a patron can’t go to one interface to say they want items from multiple collections- is there an interest in simplifying that process?
  • ANSWER Routing from the different discovery places happens per item (because each special collection has its own Aeon instance) Unification for multi-collection requests might be further down the road.
    It was noted problem requesting things by location/instance because you need to physically go to the location to view or pick up. YFAD does do cross collection search
  • Do you have to register twice –
    ANSWER No just once!
  • We are interested in using same authentication for all services for people who are not Yale community members, I think Steelsen is working on that.
    ANSWER: It would be nice to be able to manage patrons universally for the Library across services.
  • Michael Dula noted we are moving towards using Aeon as the way to manage non-Yale people’s authentication.
Libguides V2 (Steve Wieda)
Overview of the project to upgrade to a new version of Libguides, the software behind library subject guides
  • Implementation project going on now until summer
  • New features – responsive design. professional look and feel, improved authoring interface
  • Responsive design – mobile versions are automatically created.
  • There is a more professional look rightout of the box, without any customization.
  •  Huge improvement is spell check as you type!
  • Timeline and milestones – LG2 implementaton group meeting regularly
    • roadshows in March and April
    • training in June
    • roll out on July 31st


  • Is there integration with online learning systems?
    ANSWER: not so much, but tighter with other Springshare 2.0 products, still having links into Classesv2 via LTI
  • Andy S. – will migration take whats existing now an dput into new guides? will you need to do much cleanup?
    ANSWER some box types are no longer supported so these may need some cleanup (TOC, feedback, etc). There will be doco for this before that time comes.
  • Is the migration only going to take published guides?
    ANSWER published and unpublished both will migrate.
  • Will there be changes in A to Z list of databases (provided in Libguides)?
    ANSWER: Permanent will be available, subject tagging and database content type tagging.
  • Will there be data about traffic through guides still available?
    ANSWER Historic data needs to be downloaded before migration. looking at new solution for getting data from guides – Libguides stats dashboard coming soon.  Watch for an announcement coming later next week about training and a new dashboard for Libguides use data.
EZproxy Pilot (Ray Frohlich)
Preview of the upcoming pilot of EZproxy at Yale . EZproxy is a tool many schools use for providing access to restricted e-resources.
  • We use VPN, which works for most, but not all, Yale patrons. It is a particular problem for the medical school and affiliated hospitals, and occasionally for some students and faculty abroad.
  • Medical maintains a squid proxy, but they are phasing it out. 
  • VPN does not provide fine-grained access control to services. It is an all or nothing service. EZProxy can introduce more granular control.
  • VPN may also not install correctly on some computers/mobile devices.
  • Purpose of pilot is to test if these use cases can be solved by EZProxy.
  • We are partnering with ITS on this as part of largerauthentication project.
  • In phase one the test team will discuss roles of staff support, etc and will configure the EZproxy.
  • Phase 2 is rollout, targeted testing with faculty staff and students


  • How does this dovetail with ITS dual factor authentication?
    ANSWER:ITS wants to roll out two step authorization for VPN and hen CAS?Outlook on web is Phase 2.
  • Does that mean better cell service in bass?
    ANSWER no idea!
  • Do you have lists of test users, or are you open to suggestions?
    ANSWER we are open to suggestions/ideas for test cases. We are interested in user populations  and testing different types of resources.  Specifically let us know about resources that use exotic tech or may be problematic in other ways.
  • What does this mean, do you have to install it?
    ANSWER no, we are looking at providing EZproxy access through plugin in browser that will employ EZproxy. Such plugins exist, but we would like to start a project with ITS to improve the plugin so that the user only turns the plugin on once and then links are automatically routed through EZproxy.
  • There are ebook databases that requires individual logins, despite VPN. They say to use EZ proxy to get around this. Should I send?
    ANSWER Yes, sounds like it might be Books24x7, which is on the list to test.
  • Have you heard about EduRoam
    ANSWER will look into this

Other Information about EZproxy

It doesn’t solve ALL of our offsite access problems. Look for a fall implementation. It was pointed out by several in the audience that new people come to some schools in the middle of the summer, particularly impacts medical and CSSSI. We need to be ready for the mid-summer turnover.

Library IT Spotlight on: User Experience Group

The User Experience Group in Library IT is the newest unit of the LIT department. It was formed with the express purpose of keeping our patrons’ needs at the forefront of all library digital projects. The work of the group is focused on major library digital interfaces, including:

  • The library’s web site, The web site is maintained in a Drupal content management system. We use a Yale wide Drupal instance called YaleSites.
  • Major vendor-provided services such as Springshare’s products Libguides (Library subject guides), and Libcal (room scheduling and hours).
  • Search interfaces such as Orbis and Articles+. A large amount of the group’s work has recently involved Quicksearch, a Blacklight search combining records from the Orbis and Morris catalogs, along with records from Articles+.
  • In support of these interfaces the group does usability testing and tracks metrics. 

Within this new group we have a very new position of an Emerging Digital Analyst. With this new addition we are adding communication and staff support to our portfolio of work.

The UX Group recently had time to do some strategic planning, and we reflected on the purpose of our group, our priorities and also feedback we received through the LIT Satisfaction Survey. From those reflections we’ve formed some guiding principles. In our efforts we will

  • work collegially with all library staff
  • communicate in multiple ways, and give staff opportunities to give us feedback
  • strive to meet deadlines, and acknowledge honestly when we cannot 
  • focus on a service model as opposed to a project model, and include planning for ongoing support when work is completed
  • use metrics to guide decisions
  • work to be trusted experts in user experience

We invite you to contact any of the staff listed here with your questions and comments. We would like to hear from you.

User Experience Staff

Katie Bauer (

User Experience Librarian

I’m the manager of the UX group, and also focus on usability, Google Analytics and metrics for digital interfaces. Originally from upstate New York, I grew up in a very rural area in a pretty large family with three brothers and a sister. I went to college at Mount Holyoke and studied mathematics, which I continued in a master’s program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where I earned an M.S in Applied Mathematics. I taught math for several years before going into a librarianship program at SUNY Albany. I’ve been at Yale for 17 years in various positions in the library system.

I’m married and have two grown children in college. I live in Hamden with my husband and two dogs, and spend much of my free time enjoying the outdoors taking hikes with them (when it isn’t freezing cold).

My office is in SML 510, and my phone number is 432-2491

Jenn Nolte (

Emerging Digital Services Analyst

I grew up on the Connecticut coastline and have lived in CT my whole life. I earned a BA in English and Women’s Studies from Fairfield University in 2003, and my MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science) from Southern Connecticut State University in 2013.

I’ve worked in SML for 11 years now, 10 of those in the Library IT office. I came to Yale in 2004 as a Catalog Assistant in the Catalog Management Team, working on the massive OCLC Reconciliation project. A year later I moved to Library IT, where I became responsible for MARC record loads to the Orbis catalog, among other duties.

Today I am responsible for supporting Articles+, the library’s discovery interface for licensed e-resources. I co-chair the E-resource Access Group with our Electronic Resource Librarian, Angela Sidman. I am involved in implementation of the Quicksearch beta service, a unified discovery service powered by Blacklight and meant to provide a single search across several library resources at one time. I run a monthly Emerging Technologies + Libraries discussion, open to all library staff and Yale community members, and I also do a good deal of communication about LIT work, including running the departmental social media accounts and compiling and sending the LIT newsletter and the Digital Initiatives newsletter. I am on the L-SARC committee, and I am also a Personal Librarian!

My office is in SML 609 and my phone is 432 4878. Please feel free to stop by of call and say hello! I am happy to answer any questions or refer you to someone who can.

Kalee Sprague (

Senior Systems Librarian for Integrated Access

I am originally from Bozeman, Montana, although I lived and attended school for many years in Billings, Montana.  I earned a BA in Spanish Literature from the University of Minnesota, and my M.L.I.S. from the University of California, Berkeley.

I have worked for the Library for 18 years, first as a Database Analyst working primarily with Orbis, then as a Systems Librarian in the Programming group working with a variety of systems like Yufind, the Finding Aids database, the Orbis public interface, the new Findit digital collections system, and Quicksearch, the new Blacklight-based discovery system.

Currently I am in the User Experience group. As part of that group, I am the project manager for the Quicksearch project (, coordinating the work of the Quicksearch Implementation team.  In addition, I am currently the Technical Lead on the project, using technologies like Ruby on Rails, HAML, and Javascript / CSS to mold Quicksearch to meet the needs of YUL users.  Occasionally I also work on the Findit digital collections interface.  In support of both of these projects, I chair the Discovery and Systems Metadata group, coordinating the work of metadata specialists to identify correct metadata mappings for these two projects and create guidelines like the Discovery Metadata for Digital Materials manual.  Finally, I support the production Orbis interface, the Finding Aids interface, and am a Personal Librarian.

I sit in room 609 and can be reached at 2-7845.


Meng Tang (

CIS Support Specialist

I came to Yale as an Acquisition Assistant, and later became a Cataloging Assistant.  From being a member of the Workstation Support Group to my current position in Library IT, I have had the chance to visit all the libraries, meet many people, and do many hardware and software support tasks.  I love having the chance to learn new technology and the challenge of solving problems.  I started learning the Drupal platform for the library’s website when I joined the UX group in late 2013 and am looking for any possible future benefits that this system can bring to us.

Steve Wieda (

Senior Web Developer

I have worked with academic research libraries since 1998, serving both IT and administrative leadership roles centered on web communications and technologies.  During that time it has been my pleasure to work with amazing people on fascinating projects that have positively impacted the institutions I have served and beyond.

At the Yale University Library, I will be leading the LibGuides 2 implementation, managing the continuing migration to YaleSites, and providing consulting services for website construction, content management, usability, and accessibility.  I will also administer the YUL YaleSites/Drupal site, the Library’s various webservers, and the mailman list-servs.  In the coming months I’m looking very forward to meeting as many of you as possible.  Together we will build and maintain a fabulous web presence for the Yale University Library.

Quicksearch beta Quick Tip–Format Facets

Often searches in the catalogs bring back a lot of material, and you might only want certain types, for example only online material (or books, or only journals). In Quicksearch beta these are both examples of format facets.

It only takes a few seconds to limit a search to a type of format. For example, limit a large number of results for the search ‘diabetes’ to only find digital or online material.

  • Do your search, and then go into only Books+. Do that using the Books+ link on the left side or the link for ‘see all 3,558 results.’

all books



  • In the resulting display, look on the left under the Format facet for the value ‘Online.’



  • Select Online, and only digital material will be displayed. You can also select Journals & Newspapers, and only online journals will be displayed. The final screen shot shows how a large search has been limited to far few items. To remove the limits, just click on the X next to the format. 


facets used 

The search results are now a more narrowly focused group of 132 records for online journals or newspapers held at either the Yale University Library or the Yale Law Library.

Quicksearch beta Quick Tip–Limit to a Library Location

Quicksearch exposes library content with facets. They make it easier than ever to explore library metadata about authors, book locations, formats, and subjects. For example, it is easy to find items in a specific library, for example the Music Library.

Do a search in Books+ and look on the left under Location.

loc facet





To see all the locations for this search, click on the + to expand the list. Music Library is one of the options displayed.










Select Music Library, and only those items held in the Yale Music Library will be listed.



Quicksearch beta Quick Tip–Using Subject Facets

The Subject facet is a great way to explore search results in various topics. Now you can also combine subjects in different ways using the facet connectors ‘Any of’ and ‘All of.’

To see Subject facets you need to either be in Books+ or Articles+.

Here is an example.

  • In Books+ do a search for ‘measles.’
  • Find the Subject facet on the left. Open the facet and select some subject headings for: Vaccination, Communicable Disease Control and Prevention.

all of


  • Once these are selected you’ll see the subjects listed at the top of the page. With these three subjects your search is now very narrow, with only 2 results. 

all of


You can change this to a wider search by flipping the Change the All Of indicator to Any of. This will make the search broader, picking up more records. 

any of



Results of the 2014 Library IT Satisfaction Survey

In Fall 2014 162 library staff members took the time to complete a survey asking them to rate the Library IT group and how it has performed on some of our major projects and services during the year.

You can see all the results (except comments) here.

The survey looks at overall perception of how Library IT performed over the year, and how well it did in specific areas such as communication, which we’ve tried to make a priority (hence this blog for example). We’ve already made some decisions based on survey results about communication. Because the LIT newsletter was judged the most popular form of communication, we are committing to repurposing blog posts in the newsletter and publishing it every two weeks via YULIB.

We also definitely saw a desire for more chances to communicate with or to LIT as well and we are working on ways to do that. We will start to hold annual Tech Talks for all major projects and services. Talks will be a half hour of background, developments and plans for changes, and then a second half hour for questions, ideas and discussion from all staff. This idea came from Enterprise Systems staff, but it seems to be such a good idea that the rest of LIT is adopting it.

There was also feedback on specific projects in the survey, and LIT staff are taking a very close look at these and thinking about places where we should make adjustments in our work. As LIT staff continue to meet and discuss the survey findings we’ll post ideas and action items with the survey results. You’ll see the first example of this with the results for the Web Migration, where we’ve started to list what we think about the results of the survey and how we want to use the results to improve our work.

Please take some time to look at the results, but also, and more importantly, continue to send us ideas and feedback so that we can make LIT work well for the library and its patrons.

LIT 2014 Satisfaction Survey



Update on Usability Testing for Quicksearch beta

Quicksearch beta, a Blacklight-powered library search of the Orbis and Morris catalogs, along with Articles+ from Summon, has been available for library-staff testing since October 2014. Recently staff from around the library conducted usability tests of Quicksearch beta with 14 students. Tests took about half an hour to complete, and consisted of a set of typical library search tasks such as finding a book by title and author, looking for a journal, finding books and articles in a topic, and saving/requesting and citing material. Teams of library staff worked on tests, with one person recruiting testers, a second asking the questions and running the tests, and a third person recording the sessions. Test takers were asked to think aloud during testing and their comments and actions were written down by the observer staff person. These types of “think aloud protocol” usability tests are considered an inexpensive and reliable way to uncover problems with digital interfaces, and are conducted as standard parts of interface development cycles.

Usability testing was done in large part to determine if Quicksearch beta is ready for wider release to Yale students and faculty in the spring semester. During testing the only problem uncovered which must be addressed before Quicksearch beta can be more widely disseminated to the Yale community was that response time slowed considerably, to a level which is not acceptable in a search interface. Modern expectations of search is that results will be returned within one second on average. Anything longer than two or three seconds causes users to question if an interface is working. LIT staff are now working to address the slow response times. Culprits may include the SOLR index used in Quicksearch beta, the Blacklight application, the hardware environment, or a combination of these three things. This complexity makes troubleshooting a challenge.

Quicksearch beta includes results from books and articles, which are presented side-by-side in one screen. Labeling in this display was problematic for test takers. The use of Catalogs (to represent material from the Orbis and Morris catalogs) did not seem to mean much to test takers. We recommend that Catalogs be replaced by Books+ to make the material found in Catalogs clearer and to draw a more obvious distinction with Articles. We also recommend changing Articles to Articles+, and to be consistent with this wording throughout the search application.

5316687895199744 (1)
Side-by-side display of results from catalogs and Summon (Articles+) in the Quicksearch beta display.



Test takers had some trouble with complexity of moving between areas for books and articles, and understanding when books were being searched, when articles were being searched, and when both types of materials were being searched. Visual cues need to be added to the books only and articles only areas so that that the material searched there is more obvious. 

Lack of obvious visual cues on the page and the search box made it difficult for test takers to understand the context of search.
Lack of obvious visual cues on the page and the search box made it difficult for test takers to understand the context of search.

One task for which Quicksearch was not successful for most users was finding a recent issue of a journal. The search did not do a good job bringing a journal title to the top of search results. The SOLR index and relevancy ranking can be manipulated to make this type of search function better, or other targeted ways of doing a journal title search need to be added to the Quicksearch beta interface.

Another problem was seen when users were asked to limit a set of book results to a  more targeted set of books in a subtopic (in this case, books that were about the law or legal aspects of a subject such as CEO compensation, Ebola, or climate change). The Quicksearch beta interface should make such a task straightforward, or at least that the hope, through the use of subject facets. Most users could not, however, complete this task using subject facets. There was a greater rate of success (73% success versus 46% success) when users were asked to do a similar narrowing of results of articles. Users are presented with different sets of facets for books and articles, and there are actually less facets available for articles. It could be that the simpler list of facets makes the topic facet more easy to spot and use in article search results.

Other aspects of Quicksearch beta worked very well and caused few problems for most users. All test takers were able to successfully find a book by a known title, identify where it was in the library system, and navigate to the order form. Most test takers were also able to save article records for later use and email citations.

Probably the biggest win from Quicksearch beta is just the simple fact of the single search of Orbis and Morris in one interface. There was not a lot of name recognition of Orbis demonstrated by these students and even less of Morris. The chance of a student searching one of these resources seems to be decreasing over time, the chance of searching both of them for material seems unrealistic. Quicksearch beta successfully combines both resources in one search, thereby saving time for Yale users and potentially surfacing far more library material in the process.

Read the summary or get the full report.



Usability Testing for QuickSearch beta

Staff from various parts of the library, including Medical, Law and Bass/Sterling have just completed a round of usability testing for Quicksearch. In this initial round of testing we wanted to look at some basic questions about this type of search, which combines results from the catalogs Orbis and Morris, and the article search from Summon called Articles+. Would students understand what was being searched? Would the Bento Box display make sense,  and would they be able to successfully navigate between the sections to find books and from the catalogs on the left and article results on the right. Would results be judged relevant to the search? Would testers understand the display of information about where to get a book or find fulltext of an article? Would testers be able to order material or email citations?

We are in the process of collating results from the first 12 tests, and we’ll be debriefing with staff who participated. We’ll follow up with a synopsis of results soon.

Here are the specific questions asked:

1. When you are starting research for a class, where would you typically start?

2. Now let’s look at the Quicksearch Beta search interface  Based on what you see here, what library resources do you think Quicksearch Beta will search?

3. Have you recently done any research for a paper or class? I’d like you to try QuicksearchBeta to research this topic, or if you’d rather some other topic relating to yourmajor/discipline or just a topic of interest to you.

4. Let’s talk a little about what you see on the page. What are your initial impressions of what isdisplayed?

a. Do you find books appropriate to the topic?     b. Do you find articles appropriate to the topic? c. If you were writing a paper on this topic how satisfied would you be with these results?
5. Please see if the library has the book: “Backlash” by Susan Faludi. Where is it in the library system?
6. Please find the most recent issue of New England Journal of Medicine.
7. Please do a search and find what books and articles the library has about (choose one).
CEO compensation
Ebola hemorrhagic fever
effects of climate change on developing nations
a. Let’s look for some print books. Are any of these books about legislation/laws?
b. Please select a few books from this search. How would you save them for later use?
c. Let’s look for some articles.  Can you limit results to only scholarly publications?d. Are any of these articles about legislation/laws?
e. Please save a few articles to your list of saved items
8. Can you find a way to email the saved items to yourself?
Post test Questions
1. In the future would you use this tool? Why or why not?
2. Compare the experience of using Orbis to the Quicksearch Beta. Do you prefer one of these?
3. Compare the experience of using Articles+/Summon to Quicksearch Beta. Do you prefer one of these?
4. What did you like about Quicksearch Beta?
5. What is one thing about  Quicksearch Beta would it be most important to improve?