Notebook of Lord Eldon, ca. 1829

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An unfinished manuscript notebook containing Lord Eldon’s comments on the first 38 caricatures in James Sayers’s album containing his own copies of his caricatures. (James Sayers’ Folio Album of 144 Caricatures, Lewis Walpole Library Folio 75 Sa85 810).

  • Author: Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838.
  • Title: Notebook of Lord Eldon, circa 1829.

Catalog record

LWL Mss Vol. 202

Acquired June 2012

Folio album of 144 caricatures

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Note on front pastedown: This book contains the caricatures published by Sayers during his life. This was his own copy and was presented to me after his death. [Signed] Eldon.
With his bookplate.
Bequethed by James Sayers to his sister and later given to Lord Eldon. Purchased at auction June 2012 with Lord Eldon’s notebook.
Accompanied by Lord Eldon’s notebook (LWL Mss Vol. 202) in which he comments on the caricatures.

  • Creator: Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker.
  • Title: Folio album of 144 caricatures [graphic].
  • Published: [London, between 1782 and 1810]

Catalog record

Folio 75 Sa85 810

Acquired July 2012