Collection of prints, broadsides,…relating to the Cato Street Conspiracy

several views of exterior of Cato Street

A collection of 41 printed items that chronical the 1820 plot to murder the Prime Minister Lord Liverpool and his cabinet, so named for location where the thirteen conspirators meet near Edgware Road in London. The police learned of the plot through an informer, George Edwards, leading to a police trap in which one policeman, Richard Smithers, was killed but the plotters apprehended. The collection includes portraits of the plotters, views of the Cato Street area, broadsides describing the events and others with images and descriptions of the execution of five of the conspirators. Five other conspirators were transported to Australia. A drawing signed “Peter Jackson, July 31, 1960” is a 20th-century view of the exterior of the London building where the conspirators were discovered.

  • Title: Collection of prints, broadsides, and ephemera relating to the Cato Street Conspiracy, 1820, 1960.

Catalog Record


Acquired January 2024


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