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Epistemology Basic Graduate Course

Phil. 704: Epistemology − Basic Graduate Course

Spring 2008
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:35-12:50, WLH113
Thursdays 1:30-3:20; LC 206

Keith DeRose,
office hours: Tuesdays, 1:15-2:40; C410

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  • Phil. 704 Syllabus: word.
  • Phil. 207 Syllabus: word.
  • Elga, “Reflection and Disagreement” (assigned): s-link.
  • Feldman, “Epistemological Puzzles about Disagreement” (optional): in course v.2 classes server, course resources for Phil. 704
  • Kelly, “The Epistemic Significance of Disagreement” (“short Kelly,” assigned): pdf; published version at classes resources
  • Kelly, “Peer Disagreement and Higher Order Evidence” (“long Kelly,” optional): pdf.
  • Christensen, “Epistemology of Disagreement: The Good News”: s-link.
  • Fraces web post: f-link.
  • James, “The Will To Believe”: at resources
  • Hieronymi, “Controlling Attitudes”: s-link.
  • Harman, Reasoning, Meaning, and Mind: s-link.
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