Tasks and Activities

Worlds within Words; Creating New Folktales Through Chatbot Encounters

Phase 1: Exploring Folktales

  • Activity: Students listen to/read classic folktales from their heritage culture.
  • Vocabulary list: Students create a shared vocabulary list of new words they learn while reading the folktales.
  • Discussion: Facilitate a discussion about the folktales, focusing on elements like characters, plot, setting, themes, and lessons learned.

Phase2: Research and Preparation

  • Activity:  Students will research the folktale character. This will involve gathering information about the character’s background, personality traits, and the cultural context of the folktales.
  • Task: Students will create a brief oral summary of their research findings.

Phase3: Encountering the Chatbot

  • Activity: Students will be introduced to a chatbot program designed to simulate their chosen folktale character. The chatbot will be programmed with greetings, responses to basic questions about the character and the folktales, and riddles or short stories related to the character.
  • Task: Students will engage in a conversation with the chatbot, aiming to retrieve information and cultural insights. Encourage open-ended questions to promote deeper understanding.

Phase4: Sharing the folktale 

  • Task: Based on their conversation with the chatbot and their research, students will create a new folktale featuring their chosen character. This folktale can be written, drawn as a comic strip, or performed as a short skit.

Phase 5: Folktale presentation and reading

  • Presentation: students share their in the class and explain how they reflect the information they received from the chatbot.
  • Reading: students read each other’s books and give each other feedback using peer feedback form.

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