Creating New Folktales Through Chatbot Encounters
Educational Setting:
This module can be used by Grades 6-12 students. The Module is also suitable for postsecondary students.
General Description:
This integrates language and cultural exploration with folktales. Students will engage with a chatbot programmed to simulate a famous folktale character. Through conversation, they will increase their language proficiency, gain cultural insights, and acquire new folktales related to the chosen character.
Language Levels:
Intermediate (Low, Mid & High)
Learning objectives (Communicative Language Learning):
- Students can usually understand the main idea and flow of information expressed in various time frames in conversations and discussions.
- Students can exchange information in conversations on familiar topics, creating sentences and series of sentences and asking a variety of follow-up questions.
- Students can interact with others to meet their needs in a variety of familiar situations, creating sentences and series of sentences and asking a variety of follow-up questions.
- Students can orally retell a short story that they have heard using sentences and a series of connected sentences.
- Students can write a short story using sentences and a series of connected sentences.
- Students can give basic narration and description to tell a story.
- In their and other cultures, students can make comparisons between practices and products related to everyday life and personal interests to help them understand perspectives.
Learning objectives (Multiliteracies Pedagogy):
Information literacy
- Learning how to create, distribute, gather, and consume information ethically and legally. This includes learning how to determine how much information is needed and how to critically evaluate it and its sources.
- Learning to see and understand the world through different representations. This can include embracing languages and cultures, and analyzing what is being learned from a critical perspective.
- Engaging with knowledge emotionally and creatively through various ways of expression, performance, and making. This can include questioning the complexity of culture, language, and ideas, and applying what has been learned in new contexts.
- Developing individual and collaborative interests and abilities through the use of new digital media.
Creating New Folktales Through Chatbot Encounters © 2024 by Sarab Al Ani is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0