Learning Reflection

Student Reflection Questionnaire

  • What did you learn about your family from the project? How did this project  affect your understanding of your family?
  • What was the most challenging part of conducting an Oral History Interview? How did you overcome this challenge?
  • In what ways did the Oral History Interview project help you understand the role of cultural heritage in shaping personal and collective identity?
  • What themes emerged from your Oral History Interview? How did you analyze and interpret the information you gathered?
  • How did you incorporate critical analysis skills while exploring identity through the Oral History Interview project?
  •  What creative strategies did you use to express your understanding of identity through the digital story or podcast project?
  •  How can you apply the skills and knowledge gained from this interview to other areas of your life?
  • What is your overall experience while working on the project?

어머니와 인터뷰를 통해서 많은 것을 배웠다. 나는 이 인터뷰 전에는 많이 몰랐기 때문에 , 엄마의 한국 생활과 미국 이민 경험에 대해 많이 배우게 되어 더욱 흥미로웠다. 어머니의 힘든 이민 경험에 대해 더 많이 알게 되면서, 오늘날 내가 얼마나 운이 좋은지에 대해 더 감사하게 되었다. 엄마가 미국으로 이주하시면서 많은 희생을 치렀기 때문에 나는 학교에서 더 열심히 공부하고 싶다. 우리 어머니께서 나에게 내 인생의 꿈을 쫓고 성공할 수 있는 기회를 주셨다. 오늘 엄마와 대화를 나누면서, 나는 감사하고 당연하게 여기지 않는 법을 배웠다. 나는 이 인터뷰에서 내가 생각했던 것보다 더 많은 것을 배웠다. 이것은 내가 결코 잊어버릴 수 없는 경험이다. 난관이 있을 때 항상 생각할 것이다.” (“I learned a lot from the interview with my mother. I didn’t know much before this interview, so it was more interesting to learn a lot about my mother’s life in Korea and her immigration experience in the United States. As I learned more about my mother’s challenging immigration experience and life, I became more grateful for how lucky I am today. I want to study harder at school because my mother sacrificed a lot when she moved to America and worked hard for us. My mother gave me a chance to pursue my life’s dreams and succeed. Talking to my mom today, I learned how to be thankful and not take it for granted. I learned more from this interview than I thought. This is an experience I’ll never forget. I will always think about this whenever I face difficulty.”)


Oral History© 2024 by Angela Lee-Smith is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
