This page will feature background material that conference participants are encouraged to explore ahead of the conference. Conference participants are encouraged to focus on the resources in areas that they are least familiar with.

If you are attending the conference and would like us to feature a resource on this page, please contact Matthew Meyers (

The following resources are designed to be an introduction to Citizens’ Assemblies, mini-publics, and theories about collective intelligence through deliberation among ordinary people.

Citizens’ Assemblies

Deliberative Polling

Yale Lottery Conference organized by Ali Cirone Dec. 2023:

More general political theory debates around democracy and the value and role of lot-base assemblies in it

Absolute classic on representative government and the history of lot-based democracy

  • Bernard Manin. 1997. The Principles of Representative Government. Chicago: Chicago University Press

The following resources are designed to be an introduction to how modern AI models work and some of the key AI policy considerations

AI technical knowledge essentials:

Additional materials for AI technical knowledge

AI Governance and Policy