What if we had something different?
- You’re walking down a New Haven Street, and they’re digging it up. It makes you wonder about the streets and what’s under them.
- You’re walking across the Yale campus, and you wonder about a tree you see.
- You’re on Crown Street, and you wonder how long Louie’s Lunch has been there.
What if a blog could connect you, your environment and the past–so that blogging meant
- telling a story about where you are physically,
- told you about the place where you were standing?
What if a blog could help you–
- learn about medieval Russian painting
- get help with your writing from fellow students
- practice Japanese
- understand how rhythm in music affects the brain?
What if a blog wasn’t just words and stock photos but also
- original & historical photographs
- video
- audio
- maps
- interactivity?
What if the blog:
- incorporated social media live in realtime? And
- served a social purpose beyond personal minutia?
That’s Blogging 3.0.