Undergraduate Student Directors (2025)

Jenelle Burgess, Yale 2026; jenelle.burgess@yale.edu

Steven Rourick, Yale 2027; steven.rourick@yale.edu

Board of Directors

Janna Wagner ’95, Chairperson
Former U.S. Grant Student; Co-Founder & Director, All Our Kin

Claudia Merson, Vice-chairperson
Director, Public School Partnerships, Yale Office of New Haven and State Affairs

Susan Lamar, Treasurer
Certified Public Accountant

Carmel Paleski
Director of Academic Affairs, State University of New York, Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center

Samuel Purdy ’10
Former U.S. Grant Teacher and Director; Innovation and Learning Manager at Connecticut RISE Network

Abdul-Razak Zachariah, ’17

Kishore Chundi ’20
Former U.S. Grant Teacher and Director, J.D. Candidate at Yale Law School

Maria Parente
Pathways to Science Program Manager

Jennifer Heikkila Diaz, ’00

Sarah Cussler ’92
Teacher, The Hopkins School

Leslie Blatteau  ’97, ’07
President of the New Haven Federation of Teachers