The Ulysses S. Grant Foundation is an academic summer program for talented and motivated middle school students in New Haven, held on Yale’s Old Campus in Dwight Hall. Since 1953, U.S. Grant has drawn on the experience and enthusiasm of Yale undergraduates to challenge students so they can acquire the academic preparation and skills they will need to enter and succeed in college and excel in their current school environment. The program is designed for bright students, even those who might have limited opportunities and resources, to participate in academic enrichment activities.
U.S. Grant offers a six-week summer program in New Haven for New Haven public and parochial middle school students. Each morning, in small, single-grade classes of 8-15 students, Yale undergraduates teach classes of their own design to challenge and excite their students. In Humanities classes, students study history and write speeches, read and discuss poetry and do creative writing of their own. In Investigations classes, students develop their problem-solving skills through fun, hands-on projects in the natural and social sciences. In the afternoon, students participate in electives and clubs that offer them the opportunity to learn in a more relaxed environment with students from other grades. Typical afternoon activities include sports and games, creative classes in music and the performing arts, debate and mock trial and a book club. In addition, students enjoy a variety of local and regional field trips.