Our Team


The 2016-2017 Project Bright Board

unnamedCo-President: James Barile (SC ’18) – james.barile@yale.edu

James dedicates his life to building protection for the same forests that guided his runs since childhood, which couch his stargazing, and which spark his thoughts. He thinks cliffs tend to be more charming when hanging from them. He believes human and nature can exist in covenant.

Co-President: Jonah Pearl (CC ’18) – jonah.pearl@yale.edu

Vice President: Eric Sanderson (BR ’19) – eric.sanderson@yale.edu

Co-Technical Lead: Connie Lam (BR ’19) – connie.lam@yale.edu   

Co-Technical Lead: Kevin Liang (BR ’19) – qian.liang@yale.edu

Treasurer: Pascale Bronder (CC ’19) – pascale.bronder@yale.edu

Emma Bio PicSenior Advisor: Emma Ryan (ES ’17) – emma.ryan@yale.edu

Emma is an Environmental Studies major who loves hiking through the woods, cooking (and eating) tasty food, listening to music with her friends, and frolicking around in general. She hopes that eventually everything will run on solar (and any and all other renewable sources of energy).

2Senior Advisor: Julia Zhuang (DC ’17) – julia.zhuang@yale.edu

Project Bright’s first encounter with Julia was when she chased down their solar panel bearing recruitment team at the extracurricular bazaar. Now Julia can spend all that saved energy planning and implementing awesome solar projects while hanging out with the brightest and sunniest people you will find. Be warned that white-boards, process flow diagrams, cats, artisan bread, and anything related to solar energy inflict Julia with an unnatural excitement complete with figurative squealing and literal giddiness.

Gabe Bio Pic

Senior Advisor: Gabe Rissman (ES ‘16.5) – david.rissman@yale.edu

David (Gabe) Rissman wants to do everything, but if he had to choose one particular thing to do it would be installing solar panels on Yale buildings with Project Bright while playing football, eating Thai food, listening to music, and talking about the universe.

lily conquers compost

Senior Advisor: Lily Hahn (TD ’17) – lily.hahn@yale.edu

Lily is a Geology & Geophysics major and a solar enthusiast.  Her most recent adventures include implementing water, energy, and waste management initiatives as a Sustainability Intern for Star Island Corporation, and she is very excited for another year with Project Bright!  She can be found in dance studios, kitchens, libraries, and hammocks, but the best way to find her is to come to Project Bright meetings!