Documents relating to a legal dispute between the overseers of the poor

selection of printed sheets fanned out

A collection of ten documents concerning a dispute over which of two parishes in Derbyshire should be responsible for a pauper family. The family of Thomas Bottom, his wife Hannah, and their five children (Ann 12 years, Thomas 10 years, Sarah 7 years, Charles 4 years, and Lydia “aged abt 1/2 year”) had been adjudged by two local magistrates to be lawfully resident in Bradburn and therefore were the responsibility of the Overseers of that parish. The Bradburn Overseers, however, produced strong evidence to the contrary and were thus appealing the decision.

  • Title: Documents relating to a legal dispute between the overseers of the poor of the parishes of Bradburn and Kniveton, in Derbyshire : manuscript and printed text.
  • Production: Derbyshire, England, 1817.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss File 155+

Acquired May 2022

Document attesting to the arrest of Ann Darby

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Manuscript, in a single hand, written by Richard Akerman, describing the arrest of Ann Darby for aiding and abetting Frederick Calvert, 6th Lord Baltimore per the authority of the magistrate John Fielding. In 1768, Frederick was accused of abducting and raping Sarah Woodcock, who kept a milliner’s shop. He pleaded not guilty by reason of consent and was acquitted by the jury, but his reputation was ruined. After the trial he left England for the continent and died there in 1771.

  • Creator: Akerman, Richard.
  • Title: Document attesting to the arrest of Ann Darby for aiding and abetting Frederick Clavert in his alleged rape of Sarah Woodcock : London, Newgate gaol, 1767 December 29.

Catalog Record

LWL Mss File 112+

Acquired June 2013