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Flying Over Water: What Is Foiling?

Foiling is a water sport that has taken the world by storm. It is very much like surfing, but instead of riding directly on the water, you float above it on a board equipped with a hydrofoil. The sensation is unlike anything else—smooth, fast, and so free. If that sounds like something right up your alley, read more to find out more about foiling and how to convert your foil board to an eFoil.

The Science Behind the Magic

The hydrofoil works on the same principle as an airplane wing. As your board moves forward, water flows over the curved surface of the foil’s wings. This creates a difference in pressure, generating lift that raises you and your board out of the water. The design of the foil, including the shape and pitch angle, is critical for maximizing this lift and minimizing drag. Once you are up in the air, the only part of your setup in the water is the foil and the mast. No more dealing with the bumps and friction of the water’s surface! Best of all, new designs are constantly being released that optimize these parameters for better performance.

Ways You Can Foil

One of the coolest things about foiling is its versatility. There are several ways to get your foil on, depending on the kind of water sport you are into:

Kite Foiling: Foiling is perfect for kite surfers. With kite foiling, you can ride in lighter winds and still have a blast. The foil adds a new dimension, allowing for super smooth rides and the ability to carve in ways you never thought possible.

Surf Foiling: With surf foiling, you can catch waves earlier and ride them longer, even when they are small or mushy. Plus, you are less affected by choppy conditions as you ride above the water line.

Wake Foiling: Instead of being limited to riding directly behind the boat, the foil allows you to surf the boat’s wake and even ride waves far behind it. It is like having your own endless wave machine.

SUP Foiling: If stand-up paddleboarding is your thing, you can take it to the next level with SUP foiling. Whether you are catching waves or cruising on flat water, the foil makes it easier to cover more ground with less effort.

Wing Foiling: Finally, a whole new foiling way to play—wing foiling involves holding an inflatable wing (kind of like a mini sail) that catches the wind and propels you forward. It is less gear-intensive than kitesurfing and can be done in a wider range of conditions.

Getting Started with Foiling

If you are new to foiling, the first thing you need is the right gear. For beginners, a bigger board and a stable foil are your best friends—they will make it easier to find your balance and get the hang of things. It is worth getting a few pointers from someone who is already into foiling because the feel of it is totally different from surfing or paddleboarding. Once you have your gear and some basic tips, hit the water and start practicing. Stick to calm conditions at first and take your time getting used to the lift and balance. Before you know it, you will be flying above the water, wondering why you didn’t try foiling sooner.

Introducing the eFoil

Now, if you really want a ride to impress your friends, there is the electric foil or eFoil. This is foiling with a boost, literally!

How the eFoil works

An eFoil is a board with an electric motor mounted on the mast. With an eFoil, you are not dependent on wind, waves, or towing. The electric motor provides consistent and controllable thrust, making it easier for beginners to learn and for experienced riders to push their limits. Plus, an eFoil allows for longer, more enjoyable sessions without the effort of paddling or pumping.

Converting your foil to an eFoil

The first step in the conversion is choosing the right eFoil propulsion or drive assist kit, which typically includes a motor, battery, electronic speed controller (ESC), and a remote control. Whether you are aiming for high-speed thrills or a more relaxed cruising experience, be sure to select a kit that matches your intended use and the board’s size.

Once you have your kit, you must prepare your foil board for the installation. This includes inspecting your board to ensure it is in good condition and capable of handling the additional weight and components. You will then need to choose the best location on the foil mast to mount the motor, as the motor position is fixed and cannot be adjusted after installation.

After securing the motor, you will run the wiring along the mast, connecting it to the battery and ESC, which should be mounted on the board in a watertight compartment. The last step is to install the remote control in an accessible location on the board, allowing you to easily control the motor and throttle. Now, you are ready to hit the water!


Whether you are catching waves with a foil or zipping across flat water on an eFoil, foiling is where technology meets fun. The feeling of effortlessly gliding above the surface is hard to beat, and with innovations constantly emerging, the possibilities are endless. So, grab your board and the ocean is your playground!

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