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6 Ways to Stay Out of Trouble at College

With all the new experiences and excitement of living independently for the first time, college can unfortunately come with trouble for some students. Here’s how to stay out of trouble, and what to do if you find yourself in a tricky situation at college.

Living according to your own schedule for the first time is an exciting moment for any student. College is a time to embrace new opportunities and experiences while you further your education, and no one wants to take that away from you. However, it is a well-known fact that college students can sometimes get in trouble. 

The form trouble takes depends on the student and different circumstances. It can vary from skipping a few classes and not getting assignments in on time, to committing crimes. When students get involved in some kind of crime at college, it often happens quickly and without them thinking about the consequences of certain actions. Almost 30,000 criminal incidents against people or property are recorded on college campuses every year. All these reported crimes are serious, and include forcible sex offenses, burglaries, vehicle thefts, aggravated assaults and robberies. Any student accused of crimes such as these will need legal representation (continue reading here) and will face serious consequences both in terms of the law and the college system.

Being aware of the different forms trouble could come in at college is a good way to try to avoid getting into trouble in the first place. Here are 6 ways to avoid trouble.

1. Understand Alcohol Laws

One of the most common things college students do that violates the law is to drink alcohol while underage, since the legal age to drink in the United States is 21. It is important to be mindful of this fact throughout college, despite what other students are doing. Being stopped by law enforcement for drinking alcohol or behaving in a disruptive way due to alcohol can lead to a number of problems. Some of the most common laws students might break include being a minor in possession, public intoxication, open container and driving under the influence (DUI). If in doubt, simply don’t drink alcohol.

2. Know The State Rules

Another way that college students can slip up is by following the rules and laws from their home state, instead of the state they go to college in. It’s worth looking up what the rules and laws are in the state you are studying in so you can abide by them. If you are caught doing something you shouldn’t be, law enforcement won’t take ignorance as an acceptable excuse. 

3. Surround Yourself With Good People

One good way to stay out of trouble at college is to make friends who are similar to you. A lot of problems happen when students try to fit into a crowd they are not really suited to. They can find themselves doing things they wouldn’t normally do just to be seen as one of the ‘in crowd’. You’ll have a far better college experience generally if you make friends who have similar interests to you. If you make proper friends like this, you’ll also be more likely to look out for each other, and help keep each other safe and away from trouble.

4. Get Involved

A great way to stay out of trouble at college is to get involved in some positive activities the college has on offer. Playing a sport is excellent for this, as this will help to keep you mentally and physically sharp too. Volunteering – either for a local organization, or by contributing to college life somehow in your spare time – is also a great way to become part of the college community, and put your energy and enthusiasm to good use. The more you do positive activities like this, the less time you will have to get into trouble!

5. Pick Your Fun

When you’re at college, there is something going on 24/7 that you could get involved in. But that doesn’t mean you have to get involved in everything. To start with, you will probably be going out and about a lot more, as you try to figure out which parts of college life you want to be involved in. But once you’re a little more established at college, it’s probably a good idea to calm things down a little. Striking a balance is key at college, and you don’t want to burn yourself out and jeopardize your studies by going out too much in the evenings. You’ll feel a better balance generally if you mix up the way you have fun, so try to intersperse your nights out partying with some movie nights in with friends. Not going too crazy all the time will help keep you out of trouble too. 

6. Be A Good Student

It might sound obvious – you’re at college to get an education, after all – but being a good student is a great way to veer away from trouble. Doing all the things you’re supposed to do at college will help to keep you on the right track. This starts with turning up to class on time every time and actively participating in classes too. Take good notes, listen to advice your professors give you, and follow instructions carefully. This will also help you do your assignments well, while handing them in on time every time is important too.

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