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Key Tips to Dress Better

One of the pressing issues that everyone faces is the challenge of dressing better. Should you wear what’s comfortable without any regard to what people think? Unlike food which is a matter of personal taste, clothes have their own rules and laws which are anything but personal. You eat what you like, but you dress for the others to see.

The problem of course is that once you fall into a dressing style, it’s hard to change it. You have plenty of choices of clothes to browse and select. But you end up picking clothes similar to the ones you’re already wearing. Getting out of the fashion rut and looking for new styles is not easy. So how do you dress better? How do you explore the latest impressive collection by том форд and choose the right items of clothing that suit every occasion and time of year? The following tips should guide you along the way and teach you how to appreciate exquisite dressing styles and sport a new look that reflects your personality. 

Solid Colors and Comfort

You don’t have to be an influencer or a fashionista to know about the power of solid colors. This is the one style secret that not many people talk about. Not because it’s something to hide and keep to yourself. But because it’s something so common, few consider discussing it. Still, it’s the one tip you should always consider no matter what dressing style you’re going for.

Solid colors simplify your choices and give you less of a headache. You don’t have to worry whether the patterns in the different items of clothing match or not. Solid colors are easier to match and you can’t go wrong with them no matter how hard you try. All you need to do is pick a few favorite colors along with some neutral ones and you’ve got yourself a full wardrobe with lots of items to mix and match.

But dressing better doesn’t mean you sacrifice your comfort for the sake of looking smart. But while comfort is always your goal that works in tandem with dressing well, a little bit of discomfort is always normal. Especially when you’re getting out of your fashion rut and trying out different new looks. There’s a caveat here. If you feel uncomfortable right away when trying out a new look, that is a red flag. It means that this attire and this look are not right for you and you’ll end up feeling uncomfortable for nothing.

It’s All About Breaking the Rules

When you set about changing the way you look and dress, you need to start easy and slow. It’s all about baby steps. Doing a 180 fashion-wise not only can have the opposite result, but it can end up costing you a lot of money and waste a lot of your time as you change from one style to the next. 

Let’s say you want to have a complete overhaul of your fashion sense. Instead of changing everything from top to bottom, you could start with just one thing at a time. Your top is a good starting point since it’s the first part of you that people notice. You have lots of top items to change. From shirts to sweaters, jackets, and blazer jackets. Shirts are the most obvious item to change. You wear them all the time and if you find your favorite shirt style, then you’re off to a good start. 

Keep looking for the right shirt style for you and spend some time getting comfortable in it. While getting used to the new shirt, start experimenting with something else. Maybe a mid-layer, or maybe pants. Keep repeating these steps with the rest of your clothing items, until you have mastered your new look and can pull it off effortlessly.

When you have the basic rules down and your new style is a success, it’s time to break the rules. This after all is fashion and your personality and individuality should shine through with every item of clothing you choose. Although the ground rules are there to guide your fashion sense, they’re not meant to make us all dress the same or have a uniform look. 

Breaking the rules should be done surreptitiously and slowly. When you’re done with your impeccable attire, add something that stands out and breaks the monotony of the matching colors and fabrics. Headwear, scarves, or a loud piece of jewelry can help you achieve the desired effect without ruining your look. 

Again this should be done slowly and only after you have learned the basics of dressing well. As you get more comfortable with your daring look, you can now experiment with patterns and try out matching mismatched colors, designs, and items of clothes that don’t usually go together. You’d be surprised how easy it is to break the rules of fashion and still look the best you ever hoped for. 

When it comes to dressing better, there are no strict rules to adhere to. But there are a few guidelines to help you get out of your fashion comfort zone and explore new styles that you’re not comfortable with. As you start slow but steady with different items of clothes and stick to solid colors are opposed to patterns, your journey to dressing better will be a highly rewarding one. Pretty soon, you’ll be able to express your unique personality in the way you dress for success.

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