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Exploring 10 Main Reasons Behind Traffic Accidents

Despite the technological innovations over the years and increasingly restrictive laws, car accidents are still a frequent occurrence. For example, in the first quarter of 2024, there were 8,650 vehicle fatalities in the US. While this is a significant reduction compared to the same period of 2023, the problem persists. 

Some accidents occur due to poor road conditions and vehicle malfunction. Snow and ice during winter months are especially deadly. Nevertheless, DUI and distracted driving still remain the biggest reason behind these fatal disasters. 

“Human factor is something we can’t take out of the equation,” warns North Carolina’s Top Personal Injury Lawyer, Carl Nagle. “Even if a person is a great driver, they can make a split-second mistake leading to severe injuries and death.” 

In this article, we’ll talk about the biggest reasons behind vehicle accidents. Hopefully, our guide will also shed some light on the best vehicle safety practices. 

Distracter Driving 

Most people are shocked to hear that distracted driving is the number one cause of death in America. This type of accident has become much more common since the introduction of cell phones. Aside from phone usage, eating while driving and talking with other passengers are common reasons for distracted driving accidents.

Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence is extremely dangerous, mainly because people tend to drive too fast. This means there’s a significantly higher chance that the crash will lead to lethal outcomes. While alcohol is the main culprit in these situations, we also can’t neglect the impact of strong drugs. In these situations, catching a cab or an Uber is the best way to go. 

Reckless Driving

The most common form of reckless driving is speeding. Unfortunately, people who are speeding also have a tendency to make other errors. For example, they might try to pass other vehicles on crowded roads, or they don’t adjust their speed and behavior to weather conditions. Whatever the case, a driver must be focused while also sticking to traffic signs. 

Ignoring Signs and Lights

Speaking of traffic signs, it’s especially dangerous to ignore stop signs and traffic lights. The lights are especially tricky, as most of us are in a constant rush to get somewhere. While doing so, we tend to speed through the crossroads just as the colors are starting to change. The same goes for stop signs; we tend to ignore them in low-traffic zones. 

Lack of Experience

Smart driving has everything to do with experience as it has with skill and focus. Teenagers are the most threatened category as they often don’t know how to behave in specific situations. Despite finishing all their driving tests, they might struggle in heavy traffic, especially when the conditions are slightly changed.

Night Driving

We also can’t neglect all the dangers that come with night driving. While the roads are somewhat empty during the nighttime, many participants are driving under the influence or are simply being reckless. Night driving is every bit as dangerous in rural areas as it is in cities, especially when the roads are bad or when the signs are lacking.

Car Malfunction

Even the best, most reliable cars have their fair share of flaws. Some brands are notorious for their poor materials and “soft” shells, while others might show frequent issues with brakes and other systems. When paired with other factors, such as reckless driving or rough weather conditions, a car can quickly become a death trap for everyone inside.

Weather Conditions

Nowadays, most countries in the world have strict laws pertaining to driving in rough weather. You need to change tires, remove the snow from your car, and introduce other safety measures to protect yourself and other drivers. Nevertheless, we can’t tame Mother Nature, making sudden, heavy snow and rain extremely dangerous.

Unsafe Roads

Roads often become rough as you move from major highways and into rural areas. Depending on the state you’re in, you might encounter numerous potholes that will not only damage your car but can lead to a crash. The best way to circumvent potential issues is to learn more about roads and road conditions before you use them. 

Tired Driving

Tired driving is a form of reckless driving, although somewhat different in terms of why it happens. People going home after long shifts are usually drained, so it isn’t surprising if they become sleepy behind the wheel. Ideally, you should take a nap as soon as you notice that you can no longer drive a vehicle. 

Last Thoughts 

The responsibility that comes with driving a car is enormous. Not only are you responsible for your own life and other passengers, but you can also directly affect other participants in traffic. This is why you must bring your A-game whenever you sit behind the wheel.

The good news is that most of these issues can be circumvented. Reckless, drunk, and distracted driving are especially easy to avoid. We also suggest you take some time to plan longer trips, stay fresh and hydrated, and stop thinking about irrelevant things.