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Top Tips To Boost Body Confidence In 2023

A 2021 survey revealed that over 50% of Americans felt pressured to have a certain body type. Body confidence issues are common, particularly among women and young people. It’s not easy to increase confidence, but there are ways to address low self-esteem and improve body image. In this guide, we’ll share some top tips to send your confidence soaring. 

Embrace self-care

One of the best ways to feel more confident about your body is to embrace self-care. Self-care is a very simple concept, which revolves around looking after your physical and mental health. Take pride in your health and be proactive in taking care of yourself. Analyze and evaluate your diet and try to prioritize nutrition, exercise regularly, and make sure you get enough sleep. Give yourself time to relax and unwind, socialize and enjoy hobbies and interests and treat yourself occasionally. Devote time to what makes you happy, adopt a healthy lifestyle and try to balance work and study with taking time out. Making small changes to your daily or weekly routine can make a big difference to how you feel. 

Increase your activity levels

We often think about exercise as a means of losing weight. Being more active can help you to drop excess pounds, but it can also have an incredible impact on your confidence and well-being. It’s also important to note that exercise can help people who are underweight to gain weight and it can improve body tone and enhance muscle definition. Working out, doing outdoor activities and playing sports are beneficial for mental and physical health. When you’re active, your body releases endorphins and the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain increase. Exercise can also help you to lower stress levels and express yourself. If you start training or working towards fitness goals and targets, this can also supercharge self-esteem. Outline your objectives. You might want to get stronger or fitter, you may want to lose weight or you might dream of having a more shapely physique, for example. You can use targeted exercises and workouts to make you feel more body confident. 

Explore treatment options

Many of us have flaws or imperfections that we’re eager to get rid of or tackle. Today, we have access to a huge range of treatments and therapies that can help us to feel more confident and comfortable in our own skin. Cosmetic surgery has become more popular in the last twenty years but there has also been a huge increase in the range of non-invasive treatment options. Examples include non-surgical facial aesthetics, cellulite treatment, body contouring and fat reduction. If you are thinking about having treatment, it’s essential to undertake thorough research and ensure you choose a reputable, accredited clinic. You should only have treatment if you want to. Nobody should ever feel pressured into making decisions by other people. 

Adjust your mindset from negative to positive

Most of us are guilty of zoning in on our ‘faults’ rather than focusing on our favorite body parts or physical features. If you find yourself zooming in on photographs or looking in the mirror and concentrating solely on the things you don’t like, try to adjust your mindset. Rather than focusing on the negatives, put your energy into the positives. Identify your best bits and celebrate them. It’s also crucial to understand that everyone has insecurities. Even people who may look perfect to you may have the same issues when they look in the mirror. Nobody is perfect. 

Treat yourself as you do others

How do you react when a friend is struggling with their confidence when getting ready for a night out, or your sister or cousin makes a negative comment about their appearance when you take a group photograph? The chances are that you probably rally around them, tell them they look amazing and go out of your way to build their confidence and make them feel good. Many of us are much kinder to others than we are to ourselves. We are harsh critics when it comes to our bodies and we pull ourselves up on ‘flaws’ and put ourselves down. Next time you’re about to make a nasty comment about the way you look, take a step back and imagine you’re talking to your best friend. Being kind to yourself can make a huge difference to body image and self-esteem. 

Avoid triggers

Most of us have triggers that impact how we feel about our bodies or the way we look. Perhaps you feel low or uneasy when you flick through beauty magazines or look at glamorous social media feeds, for example. If you know that doing certain things makes you feel less confident, avoid those triggers. Instead of fixating on glossy magazines or social posts that feature influencers with supermodel physiques, start following body-positive accounts or spend more time thinking about the people you hang out with or see every day when you go to college or work, you take the bus or the train or you visit the grocery store or local mall. Social media and fashion magazines can provide a very skewed vision of body types. Most of the people you see on TV or social media fit a very narrow mold, which isn’t reflective of the general population. It’s also critical to remember that images are often edited and enhanced and they don’t always provide an accurate representation. Lighting, the position of the camera and editing can all alter appearances dramatically. It’s difficult to do, but try to avoid comparing yourself to others. 

Surveys suggest that body confidence is low, particularly among women and young people. There is a lot of pressure to look a certain way and many of us don’t fit the mold. If you struggle with body image, there are ways to boost confidence and self-esteem. Embrace self-care, try to focus on the positives rather than the negatives and adopt an active lifestyle. Treat yourself as you do others, explore treatment options if you want to address issues that affect your confidence and try to identify and avoid triggers. 

The Only Guide You Need to Finding the Right Business Partner

When you’re starting a business, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing your business partner. This person will be instrumental in helping your business grow, so it’s crucial to find someone who is compatible with your goals and vision. In this guide, you’ll discover the key things you need to look for when choosing a business partner. You’ll also gain some useful tips on how to make the partnership work well for both of you. So whether you’re just getting started or are looking for a new partner, read on for helpful advice!

Running your own business is a dream for many people. But depending on the type of business you want to run, you’ll often realize it will work even better if you have a business partner. This might be because the business needs some additional skills that you don’t have. Or it could be that the workload is too much for one person. In any case, finding the right business partner is essential to your success.

When it comes to finding the right business partner, there are a few key things you should look for.


The first and most important is trust. You need to be able to trust that your business partner will do their part, and also trust their decisions. If you don’t have faith in them, then it’s unlikely that the business will be successful. So how do you know whether you can trust a prospective business partner before you bring them on board? Start by getting to know them and their track record. Have a few conversations, do some research and try to get an understanding of who they are and how they work. Get references from a number of different people they have previously worked with or for. Many people hire a private investigator to check everything adds up with the individual too – just look for a private investigator near me for that extra peace of mind.

Complementary skills

The second thing to look for is complementary skills. It’s important that your business partner has different skills and experiences than you, so that you can both bring something different to the table. This is especially true if your business needs certain skillsets to be successful. For example, if you’re setting up a web design business, make sure your partner has experience with coding and digital marketing. Having different skillsets will help you cover all the bases when it comes to running the business. You’ll also need to look out for someone with leadership qualities if you’re bringing them in at partner level. You might employ staff and teams of people in the future, or you might need someone who is excellent at client relationships or closing business deals.


The next thing to look for is experience. You’ll want someone who knows the industry inside out, as well as being experienced in business. Having a partner who has some years of experience under their belt can be invaluable. They should also have experience in the type of business you’re setting up, so that they understand the challenges and opportunities that come with it. If you’re a young start-up and willing to think outside the box a little, you don’t necessarily need someone who has years of experience. But you do need to find someone who can demonstrate their potential. Perhaps they’ve been instrumental in exciting projects through their studies or in a different field.


You’ll also need to make sure that the two of you are compatible. You need to be able to work together and find ways in which you can complement each other. This means having similar goals, values, and of course the same vision for the business. If you don’t think you could get along in the long-term, then it’s probably not a good idea to team up. Try and have a few conversations before you make any decisions, and if possible a few meetings in person to make sure the two of you are a good fit. It’s difficult to know if you complement each other without actually getting down to work together. You could consider bringing the individual on to work on a project together that relates to one aspect of the business. If that goes well, it’s a good sign you’ll be able to work together longer term.

Financial Synergy

You’ll need to look out for the financials. Make sure that both of you are on the same page when it comes to potential investments and returns. You need to be confident that you can both afford the investment and that it will be beneficial for the business in the long run. Do make sure that the financial investment is proportional – it’s not fair to bring someone on board as a business partner if they’re investing much less than you. Make sure you both have a clear understanding of the financials, and that everything is transparent. You’ll also want to be sure that the individual has access to the funds they say they can invest. Or if you’re going down the loan or angel investor route, you’ll need to both agree on the kind of debt and deals you’re willing to take on.

Legal Robustness

Finally, make sure to check with a legal expert and ensure that everything is set up and agreed upon legally. You’ll need to create a partnership agreement that outlines the ways in which you’re working together and any other points of agreement. This should include clauses about decision-making, roles and responsibilities, profit sharing, etc. It’s essential that you both understand the terms of the agreement and are in agreement. It’s also important to ensure that you have the correct insurance policies in place, as well as any licenses and permits you need to operate the business legally.

The Benefits of Cutting Back on Alcohol

Many people enjoy drinking alcohol. They like to make cocktails, they like the social aspect of going to the bar with friends, or they feel like it’s the best way to wind down after a stressful day. But if you’ve ever talked with someone who’s cut back on drinking or stopped altogether, you know that they experience many benefits. 

Cutting back on drinking alcohol isn’t just for someone who’s an alcoholic. In fact, if you have a serious drinking problem you should consult with a professional. Alcohol and drug rehab facilities can help people to overcome severe addictions. But even if you’re a moderate drinker, drinking less has numerous health, social, and financial benefits. Alcohol can make you suffer from mood swings and a lack of concentration, and even cause serious diseases like cancer.

Are you interested in learning about the benefits of cutting back on alcohol? Here are just a few that are worth considering.

Health Benefits of Cutting Back on Alcohol

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that can cause serious damage to our health. Overconsumption of alcohol can lead to a range of physical and mental health problems, including liver disease, high blood pressure, depression, and addiction. Cutting back on alcohol can reduce the risk of these health problems and improve overall health. Consider just some of the health benefits of cutting back on alcohol.

Reduced Risk of Liver Disease: Alcohol is metabolized in the liver and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver damage and increase the risk of liver disease. Drinking less alcohol reduces the strain on the liver, allowing it to heal and reducing the risk of liver disease.

Lower Blood Pressure: Alcohol can increase blood pressure, which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Limiting your drinking can help you to avoid this risk.

Improved Mental Health: Your mental health can be seriously affected by your drinking habits. Overdrinking can cause serious health problems like depression, anxiety, and addiction. Your mood and concentration can be affected as well.

Improved Sleep Quality: Too much alcohol can disturb your sleep patterns. While you might not notice it, poor sleep quality can negatively affect your mood and energy levels. Many people who have cut back on alcohol have noticed a great difference.

Social Benefits of Cutting Back on Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a range of social problems, including strained relationships, social isolation, and decreased work performance. Cutting back on alcohol can help to improve social relationships and increase productivity.

Improved Relationships: In many families, alcohol is a source of tension and conflict. Since people who overdrink are prone to act or speak more aggressively, alcohol can negatively impact relationships between family members and friends. Reducing how much and how often you drink can improve these relationships.

Increased Productivity: Working with a hangover isn’t exactly productive. Drinking can make you lose your concentration and energy, and your job performance could suffer as a result. But if you start drinking less, you’ll be able to be more productive and have better job security as a result.

Financial Benefits of Cutting Back on Alcohol

Going out for drinks or buying alcohol to drink at home can be expensive, especially for those who drink multiple times a week. Drinking less alcohol can lead to significant financial savings, allowing for more money to be spent on more important things. 

Savings: Drinking is an expensive habit. Buying drinks at a bar or restaurant is pricey and even if you prefer to drink at home, every bottle and can adds up. If you cut down on your drinking, you’re bound to save money. This extra money can be put towards other expenses or saved for the future.

Reduced Spending on Impulse Purchases: Your judgment can be impaired by alcohol, and this can lead to impulsive purchases. When you cut back on alcohol consumption, you can better control your spending and maintain financial stability.

It can be difficult to decrease your alcohol consumption. You might be used to drinking with your friends every weekend, or winding down with a glass of wine every night. But there are a lot of benefits to drinking less alcohol. For one, you’ll experience better health. You’ll be able to sleep better and reduce the risk of diseases related to overdrinking. There are also social benefits to drinking less. You can be more present with your family and friends, and also in your workplace. Finally, you’ll be able to save money if you’re not purchasing expensive drinks every time you go out. If you want to experience these benefits, try reducing how much alcohol you drink. Set a goal and write down your plan to reach it. Talk to a healthcare provider if you experience signs of addiction. If you can cut back on your drinking, you’ll feel better and happier.

Six Ways to Heal Emotional Trauma

Trauma is a complex experience that is different for everyone. It can involve a wide range of emotions and thoughts and influence how we think, feel, and behave. If left untreated, trauma can lead to long-term emotional problems. It can also affect relationships and professional lives. While trauma can resolve itself over time, some people find that they need extra help to overcome their traumatic experiences and move on with their lives. Here are some suggestions to help you heal from trauma.

Validate Your Experience

The very first step to healing from trauma is to accept that your experience was real and that it has affected you emotionally. Trying to deny how you feel about what you experienced may cause you to react badly each time you think about it. You have to realize that there is nothing wrong with feeling the way you do or reacting in a certain way. It is okay to be upset or angry. Many other people have experienced similar situations and they face similar struggles too—so there is nothing to be ashamed of. Recognize that what you are going through is a normal response to an abnormal situation. This will allow you to move forward.

Open Your Unconscious Mind

Sometimes, the trauma that you carry can be buried deep within your subconscious. This trauma can cause you to limit your actions in life or respond fearfully to certain situations even years after the initial experience. Some people have found it helpful to take natural mind-altering substances such as magic mushrooms to unlock and address their unconscious trauma. However, it can be difficult to source magic mushrooms as they are illegal in some countries. If you want to try this sort of approach, you will have to grow your own hallucinogenic mushrooms from legal spores. With help from a therapist who understands psychedelics, you may be able to break free from the mental hold that hidden trauma has on your life.

Find Supportive People

Although isolation is a common response to trauma, talking can help more than you think. You can benefit from talking to friends and family members who can listen to what you are going through without passing judgment. It is also useful to find people who have been through similar experiences as yourself. There are many support groups for various types of survivors; they can help you to understand your experience better and provide support for you as you work through the healing process. Talking to a therapist can also be an effective way to process your feelings and emotions. A therapist can provide a safe space where you can talk about your experiences, and they can help you reframe the way you see yourself.

Practice Trauma Release Exercises

Trauma release exercises (TRE) are a series of movements designed to bring your body to relax and release stress, tension, and trauma. While the exercises cannot heal your mental wounds, they can help to calm down your nervous system and relieve the physical symptoms that often come with people who are constantly in ‘fight or flight’ mode. The exercises were developed by Dr. David Berceli, who worked extensively with survivors of war or natural disasters. Videos of TRE are readily available and are easy enough to be practiced by people of all levels of fitness. There are now also certified TRE therapists in many countries and regions around the world.

Return to Nature

Spending time in nature can be a great form of self-care and healing for those who have experienced trauma. It can help to calm your mind and give you some much-needed quiet time away from busy places full of potential triggers. If you live near a park or nature reserve, try to take time for a daily walk there. Even just a short visit can help to reduce your stress levels and bring peace of mind. If you do not have the opportunity to spend time in nature every day, try to seek solitude in the outdoors at least once a week. Nature can clear your mind and help you to reconnect with a deeper purpose. Observing wild animals such as birds and squirrels can often bring you joy too.

Love a Companion Animal

Aside from wild animals, companion animals can help you to heal from trauma. An emotional support animal is more than just a pet. They provide you with unconditional love and comfort when you need it most, and they never judge you for the way you feel or behave. Having to care for a companion animal can also make you feel less isolated and give you something productive to do every day. They can calm you down when you are feeling anxious or afraid by allowing you to focus your attention on something else. That said, do not introduce companion animals into your life unless you can give them the care and attention that they need to thrive. Otherwise, they may add to your stress and also get hurt in the process.

Deep-seated trauma can be difficult to dislodge. But there are ways to help reduce your stress levels, improve your mental health, and move on from your past. From taking a shrooms trip to cuddling a dog, these six different ways can help you to start healing from your traumatic experience.