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GOTT-July 25, 2006

My Recent Posts on Universalism here…

have apparently given some readers the impression that GOTT is a universalist blog.  But all of these recent posts on universalism have come from only one of GOTT’s many contributors — me.  They have temporarily taken over this blog b/c they’ve come at a period of time when most of the other contributors haven’t been posting anything.  To the best of my knowledge, this is not a “universalist blog.”  If any of the other contributors are also universalists, I’m unaware of it.

I will be away from work for a couple of weeks, and so have closed the comments to my posts here.  (Occasionally, comments can be irrelevant, or even abusive, and so, as the author of a post, I feel a duty to watch the comments in order to get rid of the comments that need to be deleted.)  One reason I don’t feel bad about closing the comments is that readers who want to comment on blog entries about universalism have many other options these days.  For a list of recent blog posts on universalism, see this very helpful entry over at “The Fire and the Rose.”

8/11/06: Back from vacation.  Comments open again.

Posted by Keith DeRose | Permalink


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Hi Keith! How are things?

I suppose this post is irrelevant–I just discovered this blog, and haven’t had time to read all the posts on universalism, so I’ll wait to express my views until then…

Jesse Couenhoven

Posted by: Jesse C | August 17, 2006 at 11:17 AM

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