Phil. 270/570: Epistemology
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00-2:15, Phelps Hall, Room 310
KDR office hour:

- Phil. 270/570 Syllabus (updated 3/5 with new reading 10b on appearances, and 3/23 with a new due date, April 2, for paper proposals): pdf .
- handout 1/14: pdf .
- exercise 1, due 1/24: word .
- handout 1/21: pdf .
- handout 1/23: pdf .
- exercise 2, due 1/31: word .
- handout 1/28: pdf ; revised 2/6: pdf .
- 1/30 powerpoint: ppt , pdf .
- exercise 3, due 2/7: word .
- handout 2/6: pdf .
- exercise 4, due 2/14: word .
- handout 2/11: pdf . word . modified, 2/13: pdf , word .
- handout 2/13: pdf .
- exercise 5, due 2/28: word .
- handout 2/25: pdf . diagrams for how it goes, and how it doesn’t go: pdf .
- exercise 6 and paper and paper proposal info (updated 3/23 with new due date, April 2, for paper proposals): pdf .
- handout 2/27: pdf .
- New reading, 10b, sect. 8 of 3H, which is on pp. 25-32, is now available in Files on the Canvas page for our class, and is also here: pdf .
- handout 3/5: pdf (date fixed on top of page, 3/23)
- handout 3/24: pdf .
- handout 3/26: pdf .
- Proposed (tentative) replacement for the Final Exam: pdf .
- handout 3/31: pdf .
- handout 4/2: pdf .
- Final Exam replacement: pdf .
- version for YDS students in Phil. 570: pdf .
- handout 4/7: pdf .
- optional Course Paper replacement: pdf .
- handout 4/9: pdf .
- handout 4/14: pdf .
- handout 4/16: pdf . corrected 4/20: pdf .
- handout 4/21 (well, really, for 4/23): pdf . with corrections in red: pdf .