YIPP editors are proud to announce that the Indian Papers Project received a Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions grant from The National Archives‘ National Historical Publications and Records Commission. The award will fund the editorial preparation and electronic publication…
Author: Paul Grant-Costa
Digital Native American & Indigenous Studies Workshop at Yale
From Wednesday, June 29th to Friday, July 1st, Yale Indian Papers Project hosted an NEH-sponsored Digital Native American & Indigenous Studies workshop at Yale Divinity School and the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. The three-day event was designed…
Marcia Jones Flowers (1946-2016)
We share the sad news of the passing of our friend, colleague, and mentor, Marcia Jones Flowers (Dreaming Spirits). The former chairwoman of the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation and the community’s genealogist and historian, she spearheaded one of the federal recognition…
A New Grant, A Shift to Massachusetts
We are pleased to announce a grant award from the National Archives’ National Historical Publications & Records Commission. The funds will support one year of the editorial preparation and electronic publication of a portion of the Project’s The Massachusetts Collection.…
Mi’kmaq Manuscript Available At The Beinecke
The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library is pleased to announce that they have acquired and digitized a rare 19th century Mi’kmaq (Micmac) liturgical manuscript. The prayers are written chiefly in hieroglyphic script, with a few lines including interlinear transliteration…
Please Help Fund the Story of the Mashpee Nine
A story of injustice, outrage, activism, and vindication that emboldened cultural pride and integrity for the Mashpee Wampanoag in 1976 During the summer of 1976 the revival of cultural and traditional values of the Mashpee Wampanoag was occurring at the…