A Nationally Acclaimed Play on VAWA’s Restoration of Tribal Sovereignty to Protect Native Women
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Doors Open 6:00 pm/Performance at 6:30 pm
Levinson Auditorium, Yale Law School
127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT
Free to the public but registration is encouraged
The Honorable Judge Fletcher of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will offer introductory remarks. We are also honored to be joined by Lynn Malerba, Chief of the Mohegan Tribe; Deborah Parker, Vice Chairwoman of the Tulalip Tribes; and Terri Henry, Chairwoman of the Eastern Band of Cherokee.
American Indian and Alaska Native women face proportionally higher levels of violence than any other group of women in the United States. Sliver of a Full Moon follows the story of five Native women and two Native men who worked to restore tribal criminal jurisdiction over non-Native perpetrators of domestic violence on tribal lands in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. While celebrating this historic victory, Sliver of a Full Moon also emphasizes that this solution is narrow. Consequently the play asks: what will it take to restore the jurisdiction of all tribes to protect the lives of all Native women?
Read more about the play and the 2013 VAWA reauthorization at: www.sliverofafullmoon.org
The Yale Indian Papers Project wants to highlight that Sliver of a Full Moon is directed by Madeline Sayet, daughter of our colleague Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel, and sister of YIPP visiting fellow, Rachel Sayet, all of the Mohegan Tribe.
Madeline is the resident artistic director of Amerinda Inc. and artistic director of the Mad & Merry Theatre Company, a Van Lier Directing Fellow at Second Stage Theatre, and a National Arts Strategies Creative Community Fellow. We wish her, the cast, crew, and staff of Sliver of a Full Moon continued success.