Category: Feature

A Narragansett Witness to History

 One hundred fifty-four years ago today, on the evening of April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln during a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. Seated in the audience that night, a…

2018 In Review

In our last few posts, we acknowledged the two interns from Mohegan and Mashpee who worked with us this past year.  That gave us an idea to post a short summary of some of our accomplishments during 2018. Editorial Assistance…

Thank You, Eric

Eric Maynard, a member of The Mohegan Tribe, just concluded a successful internship with the Yale Indian Papers Project. Beginning in June and running through October, his primary responsibilities included learning the workings of our Mukurtu-based Native Northeast Portal platform. …

American History, 2018

This year there is much to consider at Thanksgiving time. We suggest you watch Real America w Jorge Ramos’ recent podcast episode: The Untold Story of Thanksgiving. It highlights a modern issue that has historical underpinnings. The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe…