Lab receives new U01 award from NIH.

We thank the NIH 4D Nucleome (4DN) program and the National Cancer Institute for awarding us a new U01 grant of $3.2M. This grant will support our study on the 4DN organization and function in human health and disease. This is also our 4th major NIH grant received in the past year. A special thanks to the NIH program officers and reviewers for the recognition of the potentials of our research!

Lab welcomes new rotation student Klarissa Hollander.

Klarissa is a first-year PhD student in the BQBS track of Yale’s BBS program.  She was born and raised in Southern California and recently graduated with a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in Biochemistry from Brandeis University.  In her undergraduate research, she studied the dynamic regulation of Abl kinase to better understand the evolution of regulation in the non-receptor tyrosine kinase family.  Specifically, she focused on the interplay between inactivation by myristoylation and activation by phosphorylation.  In her graduate work, Klarissa hopes to broaden her horizons and make clinically relevant discoveries.  She is excited to work with Dr. Wang to learn microscopy techniques and contribute to a better understanding of the structures and interactions which regulate gene expression.  Outside of the lab, Klarissa enjoys baking (both breads and pastries), knitting, and singing with her friends. Welcome, Klarissa!

Lab alumnus Yanfang Lu successfully defended PhD dissertation.

We just learnt that former lab member Yanfang Lu successfully defended his PhD dissertation yesterday with a score of five stars (perfect score)! Yanfang performed the majority of his PhD research as a visiting graduate student in our lab. Congratulations to now Dr. Yanfang Lu on this well-deserved title!