
I teach theoretical phonology at all levels, field linguistics, seminars on topics of theoretical interest, and courses on language and gender. The links below take you to the course syllabi on Canvas, which is accessible to anyone in the Yale community.

Current courses

Fall 2023

Ling 235/635 Phonology II (canvas; requires Yale login)

Spring 2024

Ling 146/546 Language and Gender

Previous courses


Ling 146/546, PSYC 329, WGSS 145 Language and Gender (Spring 2022; Spring 2020, co-taught with Claire Bowern)


Ling 235/635 Phonology II (Fall 2022; Fall 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019*)

Ling 232/632 Phonology I (Spring 2023; Spring 2022; Fall 2019, Fall 2018**)

*Course title “Phonological Theory”; later renamed to Phonology II.

**Course title “Introduction to Phonological Analysis”; later renamed to Phonology I.

Field methods

Ling 241/641 Field Methods [Spring 2023]


Ling 345/745 The syllable and below (Fall 2019)

Ling 344/744 Topics in Phonology: Prosody-Syntax Structure Correspondence (Fall 2021, Spring 2019)

Ling 343/743 Topics in Phonoloy: Models of Phonological Variation (Fall 2022)

(Last updated: 30 September 2023)