Weber, Natalie. 2024. Lexical and prosodic conditioning of consonant lenition in Loma. Paper, 55th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 2–4, 2024.
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Blackfoot Words database: Reflecting on our methods and projects. Paper, 55th Algonquian Conference. University of Alberta, Edmonton, CA, Oct 19–22, 2023.
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Resolving prosodic structure inside of polysynthetic words. Colloquium. University of California San Diego (virtual), October 16, 2023.
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Resolving prosodic structure inside of polysynthetic words. Colloquium. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, October 6, 2023.
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Early prosodification but late metrification in Blackfoot verbs. Keynote, Chicago Linguistics Society 59. Chicago, April 28–30, 2023. [Weber_2023_CLS59]
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Sources of paradigm uniformity in Káínai Blackfoot nouns. Poster, 41st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics [WCCFL 41]. University of California, Santa Cruz, May 5–7, 2023.
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Sources of paradigm uniformity in Káínai Blackfoot nouns. Poster, 30th Manchester Phonology Meeting [30mfm]. University of Manchester, May 25–May 27, 2023.
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Sources of paradigm uniformity in Káínai Blackfoot nouns. Poster, the annual meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association [CLA 2023]. York University, May 31–June 2, 2023.
Weber, Natalie. 2023. Spelling out prosodic structure inside of polysynthetic words. Invited talk, Externalizing words: Mono- and Multilingual perspectives (Exo-words). Pennsylvania State University, March 23–35, 2023. [handout-1up] [handout-2up]
Weber, Natalie. How much variation within one dialect? Non-permanent consonants in Káínai Blackfoot. Paper, 8th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation [ICLDC 8]. University of Hawai’i, Manoa, Mar 2–5, 2023 (virtual). [slides] [video]
Weber, Natalie. 2022. Special session (Organizer): Microparametric variation in prosodic structure: Case studies from Algonquian, 98th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Denver, CO, 5–8 January 2023. Includes three 15-minute talks, followed by a discussant (Emily Elfner, York University), followed by Q&A:
- Talk #1: Methods for detecting prosodic structure [slides]
- Talk #2: Phonological alternations at morphological edges [slides]
- Talk #3: Determining prosodic constituency from morpho-phonological generalizations [slides]
Weber, Natalie. 2022. Title: The synchrony and diachrony of prosodic structure in Blackfoot. Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Madison. University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 9, 2022.
Weber, Natalie. 2022. How synchronic analysis informs subgrouping: Against Proto-Algonquian-Blackfoot. Paper, 54th Algonquian Conference. University of Colorado, Boulder, Oct 20–23, 2022. [abstract] [slides]
Weber, Natalie (organizer). 2022. Special organized session (semi-remote): Microparametric approach to prosodic variation: Case studies from Algonquian, Workshop at the 54th Algonquian Conference, Boulder, CO, 20–23 October 2022. Includes six 10-minutes talks, interspersed with Q&A. [abstract]
- Overview talk (Natalie Weber) [slides]
- Blackfoot (Natalie Weber) [slides]
- Ojibwe (Christopher Hammerly, Natalie Weber) [slides]
- Plains Cree (Rose-Marie Déchaine, Katherine Schmirler, Antti Arppe, Natalie Weber) [slides]
- Arapaho (Ksenia Bogomolets, Natalie Weber) [slides]
- Cheyenne (Sarah Murray, Rachel Vogel, Natalie Weber) [slides]
Dominik Kadlec, Antti Arppe, Katherine Schmirler and Natalie Weber. 2022. Developing a computational model of Blackfoot morphology: Why it is important and how we can learn from it. Paper, 54th Algonquian Conference. University of Colorado, Boulder, Oct 20–23, 2022.
Weber, Natalie. 2022. Shared retentions cannot support subgrouping in Algonquian: Against Goddard (2018). Talk, 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL 25]. Oxford University, August 1-5, 2022. [abstract] [slides] [video]
Shaw, Jason and Natalie Weber. Assessing intonational grammars through simulation and classification of pitch trajectories: the case of mobile boundary tones in Blackfoot. Paper, LabPhon18: Phonology in a Rapidly Changing World. Virtual, Whova virtual event platform, June 23-25, 2022. [abstract] [slides]
Weber, Natalie. 2022. Late vocabulary insertion and even later metrification in Blackfoot. Talk, LingLangLunch Brownbag Series. Brown University, May 4, 2022. [abstract]
Weber, Natalie. 2021. Late vocabulary insertion: Evidence from prosodically-conditioned root allomorphy in Blackfoot. Talk, Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 14: Where syntax and phonology meet. Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics, and Phonology (CRISSP), Brussels, December 16-17, 2021. [abstract]
Weber, Natalie. 2021. Correspondence of prosody and syntax by phase in a polysynthetic language. Invited talk, Phonetics and Phonology Forum (“Phorum”). University of California, Berkeley, Oct 22, 2021. [abstract]
Weber, Natalie, Evan Hochstein, Pinyu Hwang, Nico Kidd, Diana Kulmizev, and Hannah Morrison. 2021. Blackfoot Words: Introducing a database of Blackfoot lexical forms. Paper, Algonquian Conference 53. Carleton University, Oct 14-17, 2021. [slides]
Weber, Natalie and Mizuki Miyashita. 2021. On diphthongs and digraphs in Blackfoot. Paper, Algonquian Conference 53. Carleton University, Oct 14-17, 2021. [slides]
Weber, Natalie and Jason Shaw. 2021. Situating Blackfoot within a typology of (mobile) boundary tone grammars. Paper, Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP). University of Toronto, Oct 1–3, 2021. [slides]
Weber, Natalie. 2021. On the misalignment of prosodic edges and syllables. Invited talk, 25th Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas (WSCLA 25), May 28-30, 2021. [slides]
(Last updated: 10 December 2023)