A personal account book in a single hand, Henry Boyle’s, of Edgcott, Buckinghamshire beginning January 1745 and ending October 1755, a decade of expenses including travel to France and Spain in March 1748, trips to London, Warwick, and Surrey among other places; wages to servants, payments to tradesmen for wine, clothing, tea, coffee, snuff, venison, medicines, etc.; record bank balances and notes about settling his mother’s estate. He also records receipt of payment for taxes and rents owed him. He includes details about the books he purchases and from whom as well as the occasional philosophical musings, an original song composed in Madrid, and an “infallable cure for the bite of a mad dog”.
- Author: Boyle, Henry, d. 1756.
- Title: Account book : Edgcott, Buckinghamshire, 1745-1755.
LWL Mss Vol. 205
Acquired December 2012