Author: Krisztina Ilko


1. Initial
<decoNote type=”initial”>

2. Rubrics

3. Script 

4. Border decoration

5. Stains

Pre-Workshop Reflection

For me, Burnard’s and especially Gailey’s articles highlighted the adaptability and flexibility of digital text editing. Gailey departed from how the verb ‘search’ took on an altered meaning and became a contronym during the digital era of search engines. What I wonder about is how we can relate their statements to our field, and ponder about how digital editing will change our ways of editing and perceiving medieval manuscripts. Gailey’s thoughts highlighted the problems of the unavoidably selective process of interpretation during editing and the differences between the readers of different eras. These are especially relevant problems for medieval sources, and, as a medieval art historian, I wonder how we can confront them when imagery is also included.

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