Month: October 2019 (page 1 of 3)


  1. Rubric – <rubric> for the short sentences in red ink.
  2. Miniatures and decorated initials – <decoNote>
  3. Name of saints – <persName>
  4. Abbreviations- <expan> : maybe best to encode abbreviations, so that people can search for their frequency, but giving people the option of displaying an abbreviated or full text seems somewhat long-winded.
  5. <sex> as a way to provide further information about saints? Alternatively, this could just be encoded under “type”.


I’m inclined to mark the text’s internal divisions (suffrage, versiculum, responsum, and oratio) using the flexible <div> element; give comments on decoration using <decoNote type=”miniature”> and  <decoNote type=”initial”>;  and indicate rubrication using <rubric>.

Marking abbreviations will be tedious, and although it’s possible that this data could yield research results, it doesn’t stand out as significant. I would prefer to mark abbreviations in a simple and streamlined way—the option that looks best to me is “silent” expansion with <expan> without the further use of <abbr> or <choice>. This would not distinguish between different types of expansion or mark common abbreviation symbols, but it would still be searchable for anyone specifically interested in abbreviation practices.


  1. Abbreviations: <abbr> </abbr>
  2. Expanded: <expan> </expan>
  3. Rubric/heading, e.g. oratio: <rubric> </rubric>
  4. Decoration/miniatures: <decoNote> </decoNote>
  5. Unclear: <unclear> </unclear>


  1. Section of the suffrage: antiphon, versicle, response, prayer.
    1. <rubric type= “antiphon”>, <rubric type= “versicle”>, <rubric type= “response”>, <rubric type= “prayer”>
      1. Can we add an attribute to rubric? I don’t see it as an option here:
    2. Alternative:

<div1 type=”section” n=”1”>

<div2 type= “antiphon” n=”1.1″>

<div2 type= “versicle” n=”1.2″>, etc.

  1. Saint of the suffrage
    1. <persName> = (
    2. [TEI says this is to be used in preference to <rs type=”person”>(?)]
  2. Decorated Initials (for decorated initials ‘O’ and ‘E’ in my suffrage, f. 174, 174v)
    1. <decoNote type=”initial”>
  3. Description of Miniature (see miniature on f.174)
    1. <decoNote type=”miniature”>
    2. Alternative to (3) and (4): use <decoDesc> (prose description)
  4. Abbreviations
    1. <abbr>
    2. Possible values: contraction, brevigraph, NominaSacra(?)


1. The type of abbreviation (for use with extension tags)

<abbr type=“brevigraph”></abbr> , <abbr type=“contraction”></abbr>


2. Abbreviation names for common abbreviations (also for use with extension tags)

<abbr type=“brevigraph”><g ref=“#per”>per</g></abbr>


3. Line breaks that divide one word between two lines of text

<lb type=“worddiv”/>


4. Library/archive marginalia (page numbers, etc.)

<additions></additions>, or <foliation></foliation>


5. Corrections (by the scribe, such as insertions)


Homework (Suffrage IV-Andreas)

  1. Decorated capitals <decoDesc> <decoNote type = “initial”> But then, how to add extra description of description in initial?
  2. Touched initials/majuscules <decoDesc> <decoNote type = “initial”> and/or <hi rend= “touched”> initial touched with gold </hi> How or if to combine decoDesc /hi tags?
  3. Title of suffrage <div type=”suffrage”> </div>
  4. Versiculum/responsum/oratio <div type =versiculum> <hi rend =”red”> </hi> <div> (Is this how we combine hi and div tags?) And/or should we perhaps use <rubric> with these sections?
  5. Names (perhaps this could be another way of distinguishing the suffrage <rs type = “saint”>




  1. Unclear <unclear>
  2. Abbreviation <abbr>
  3. Person name <persName>
  4. Final Rubric <finalRubric>
  5. Note on Decoration <decoNote>

Handout 7 HW

-RUBRICATION (a good amount of rubrication to be noted on the pages, which also helps to distinguish the sections of the text) : <hi rend=”red”>

-LIGATURES, DIFFERENT R/S SHAPES, BITING, ETC (it might be interesting to mark the presence and distribution of special or uncommon letter forms): <hi rend= “ct ligature/do bite/o2/etc”>

-GOLD TOUCHED INITIALS (a good amount of these on our pages, as with the rubrication): <hi rend=”gold touched”>

-SCRIPT DESCRIPTION (it’s important to categorize and characterize the script/hand of the manuscript): <hi rend= “gothic”> or <handDesc> or <handNote>

-DECORATION DESCRIPTION (a very dense and varied amount of decoration on the pages. It would be useful to describe it.): <desc type = “initial”>, <desc type = “miniature”>, <desc type = “border”>, etc. 

-ABBREVIATIONS (a high rate of abbreviation is present in the manuscript–in addition to allowing for ease of reading, it might be interesting to better characterize the distribution/frequency of abbreviations): <choice> with <abbr> and <expan>


1. Initial
<decoNote type=”initial”>

2. Rubrics

3. Script 

4. Border decoration

5. Stains

Assignment – De sancta genovefa

Things I would like to mark up:

  • Abbreviations. According to TEI guidelines, it should be done with the following markup: <abbr></abbr>;
  • Illuminated capital letters. Perhaps with the markup: <rubric></rubric>? However, I am not really sure.
  • Text Division. I would like to mark up the beginning of a new suffrage; perhaps <div type=”suffrage”> <ab>De sancta genovefa</ab></div>?
  • Correction. Discussing the opportunity of capitalizing the “G” in genovefa (cf. above), with the markup: <sic>genovefa</sic> <corr>Genovefa</corr>.
  • Interpunction. How to markup the original interpunction sings if we would like to update them according to modern conventions?
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