Markup Rules
Each of you will be encoding your own suffrage. Each suffrage will be its own div, and it will be further subdivided into divs for
the image if you have one (with a figure description),
the antiphon,
the versicle,
the response,
and the oratio.
See a sample below.
Organizing your div.
In the template, you’ll find a sample <div xml:id=”Yourname1”> set up for you and ready to use.
<div xml:id=”Yourname1″ type=“suffrage” subtype= “nameofsaint”>
<div xml:id=Yourname2 type=”illumination”>
<head>Insert a title for your figure here</head>
<locus>ff. 171r</locus>
<figDesc>Insert a description of your figure here</figDesc>
<div type=”antiphon”>
<ab>Type text of antiphon here.</ab>
<div type=”versicle”>
<ab>Type the text of versicle here.</ab>
<div type=”response”>
<ab>Type the text of the response here.</ab>
<div type=”oratio”>
<ab>Type the text of the oratio here.</ab>
Markup Tags
<pb/> We’ll use this self-closing tag (“page beginning”) to indicate the start of a new folio, along with its number:
<pb n=”5r”/>
Note that the forward slash comes after the folio number.
<lb/> Use this self-closing tag to indicate line breaks. It will not break up your text.
<w> If a line break comes in the middle of a word, we will signal that with the <w> tag. Example: <w>interr<lb/>upt</w>
<unclear> When script is illegible or difficult to read, we will attempt to transcribe it anyways. We will include a “cert” attribute to indicate how certain we are.
Example: <unclear cert=”100″>Gina Rocks!</unclear>
<rs type=”person”> or <rs type=”place”> to tag proper nouns appearing in the text. Example: <rs type=”person”> Mireille</rs>
When the proper name refers to the saint, we will use a choice tag to provide regularized/original names.
Example: <rs type=”person”>
<head>/<hi> to indicate a rubric, we will use tag <head>, and then nest <hi rend=”red”> within it.
Example: <head type=”rubric”><hi rend=”red”>de sancto Johanne baptista</head></hi>
N.B. <head> is nested within the <div>. It cannot be nested within <ab>
<note> If we are supplying the rubric from a page not included in our edition, we will use a <note> to make an editorial note visible to the reader.
Example: <note> This rubric was supplied from fol. 17r </note>
<hi> to indicate initials of two kinds:
For a touched initial: <hi rend=”touched”>
For a decorative initial: <hi rend=”o2 red”><desc type=”initial”>describe the initial in your own words here</desc>insert initial here</hi>
N.B. Here, o2 refers to the number of lines the initial occupies.
<expan>/<ex> We will expand abbreviations without the choice tag expect chi rho. The <expan> tag will surround the whole word, and the <ex> tag will surround the supplied expansion.
Example: <expan>domin<ex>us</ex></expan>
If the name “Christ” appears with a Chi Rho, we will use the <choice> tag
Example: <choice>
Step One: Find the coordinates for your figure <div> (if you have an image!).
Right after the </TEI Header> closing tag in our markup template, you’ll find the <surface> tag and within surface, <zone>.
Give your <zone> a unique xml:id following this formula: “YourName2Zone”
<surface ulx=”0″ uly=”0″ lrx=”3232″
lry=”4152″ xml:id=”YourName2Zone”>
Key: ulx (upper left corner, x coordinate)
uly (upper left corner, y coordinate)
lrx (lower right corner, x coordinate)
lry (lower right corner, y coordinate)
[Note the following numbers are examples–remember to use the numbers for your own zone]
Once you finish, this portion of the code will look like this:
ulx=”1200″ ← this is the upper left X pixel
uly=”5220″ ← this is the upper left Y pixel
lrx=”1950″ ← this is the lower right X pixel
lry=”5880″> ← this is the lower right Y pixel
The viewer in Gimp will handily give you pixel coordinates where you hover your cursor. Zoom in for more accuracy.
Step Two: Link your <zone> to your <div>.
You’ll find a <link> tag in our template after the sample <div>. Note that this is a closed tag. Use hashtags to link the <div> of the text/image and its <zone> in the facsimile.
<link target=”#Yourname2 #Yourname2Zone” />
And you’re done linking your <div> to your zone!
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