PhD and MD/PhD students
We are constantly recruiting new PhD and MD/PhD students. Prospective students please apply to the BBS graduate program (especially the MCGD track or BQBS track of the BBS program) or the MD/PhD program at Yale. Please feel free to indicate your interest in our lab. Admitted students are welcome to rotate in our lab. Please email Prof. Wang to discuss rotation timeline and projects.
Postdoctoral and postgraduate research fellows
Our lab is seeking multiple highly motivated postdoctoral and/or postgraduate research fellows interested in the rapidly expanding field of spatial genomics, spatial multi-omics, and 4D nucleome.
Research in our lab focuses on the development and application of state-of-the-art imaging-based omics approaches to understand the spatial organization of mammalian genome and transcriptome, and how they impact cellular states. Recent advances include the development of the first-in-kind image-based 3D genomics method termed chromatin tracing to trace the spatial folding of genome, co-development of MERFISH for spatial transcriptome profiling (See Nature Methods Method of the Year 2020), and the development of MINA for highly multiplexed integrative DNA-RNA-protein imaging, to measure multiscale chromatin folding, copy numbers of numerous RNA species, and associations of numerous genomic regions with nuclear landmarks in the same, single cells in mammalian tissue (Science 2016, Science 2015, Molecular Cell, 2020, Nature Communications 2020, Trends in Cell Biology 2020, Nature Protocols, 2021, Cell Discovery 2021, Genome Biology 2021). As one of the leading labs in this field, we are well funded with over $10 million through six NIH and private foundation mechanisms received in 2019-2022. Professor Wang is a highly recognized pioneer in the field and was awarded with the “2016 International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Young Scientist Prize in Biological Physics”, the “2018 MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 of China”, the “2019 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award”, the “2022 Pershing Square Sohn Prize for Young Investigators in Cancer Research”, and the “2023 Biophysical Society Early Career Award in Physical Cell Biology”.
We have established a very dynamic and productive lab culture (lab publications). Trainees in the lab receive unique, comprehensive training in this rising field and abundant research opportunities. Devoted trainees often rapidly achieve significant track records.
The postdoctoral/postgraduate fellows will lead the development of the next generation of image-based spatial omics technologies and/or the application of these technologies to high-impact biomedical investigations. Individuals with expertise in any one of the following areas are strongly encouraged to apply: 1) sequencing-based omics technology development; 2) light microscopy and optical instrumentation; 3) molecular and cellular biology with mammalian/human cell culture or tissue especially in stem cell biology, cancer, aging, or immunobiology; 4) computational biology/bioinformatics.
The positions are renewable annually, with immediate start availability.
To apply, please send your CV and cover letter with a description of previous research, and have three letters of recommendation sent to